R, the statistical programming language, continues to grow in popularity. A recent poll at KDnuggets found that 34% of respondents do at least half of their data mining in R. Although it’s a domain specific language, it’s versatile. Here are three different presentations, each on a different aspect of R.
Flying off the Rack: R and the web in 2011
This is a presentation by Jeffrey Horner on Rack, a Web server interface and package for R which will enable developers to use R for Web development. Here’s the description:
If there is ever a time to learn R and web application development, it is now…in the age of Big Data. The upcoming release of R 2.13 will provide basic functionality for developing R web applications on the desktop via the internal HTTP server, but the interface is incompatible with rApache. Jeffrey will talk about Rack, a web server interface and package for R, and how you can start creating your own Big Data stories from the comfort of your own desktop.
The presentation was posted by Drew Conway, who has also posted several other presentations on R.
Getting In Shape For The Sport Of Data Science
Jeremy Howard, the chief data scientist of Kaggle, gave a talk at the Melbourne R meetup group about his data science toolbox. Howard talked his favorite R packages, plus non-R-related tools such as Perl, Vim and Excel. You can watch a screencast of the presentation here.
Kaggle is a platform for data science competitions, such as the Heritage Health Prize which we covered last year.
Amanda Cox on How The New York Times Graphics Department Uses R
R at The New York Times Graphics Department, pt. 1 from Drew Conway on Vimeo.
The audio quality on this is a little spotty, and there is no screencapture of the slides. But those interested in data visualization will still want to check out this presentation from Amanda Cox from the The New York Times Graphic Department. You can find links to the rest of the presentation here.