Home Glorious’ new D2 mouse has all the comfort, speed, and performance you need

Glorious’ new D2 mouse has all the comfort, speed, and performance you need

We like Glorious gear here at Readwrite. We covered the launch of its excellent Sketch keycaps as part of its launch of KeyCapsules at the start of the month and are looking forward to what they come up with at the start of June.

Now though, whether you grabbed a set of Sketch or not, Glorious’ new D2 mouse should well be your next rodent of choice when it comes how you get your pointer from A to B.

There are so many gaming mice out there it is tough to stand out when the simple option is to head to Amazon and filter prices from Low to High, but to do that would mean you would miss out on this superlight delight – the wireless V2 version of Glorious’ original mouse range weighs just 66g but manages to feel substantial and doesn’t fly away across your desk.

Glorious D2 – new dream mouse?

We mentioned the wireless version there, the D2 also comes in a wired model, or the wireless can also be used wired via the included USB C which doubles as a charging method. This is ultra-handy when you never flick the tiny switch on the undercarriage to turn it off like me and arrive at your desk for a morning’s work to find it dead as a dormouse.

All the LEDs that run along the sides of the mouse can be configured and firmware updated via Glorious’ Core software which is simple to use. On-board buttons consist of your left and right buttons, two sideys, and a DPS changer which is situated beneath the chunky, rubberized scroll wheel.

The aforementioned tiny switch underneath the wireless version we are looking at here has three positions, the never-used Off, Bluetooth, and one for the 2.4h option should you choose to plug in the included dongle.

The whole thing was rock-solid and fit perfectly into my (right) hand. Yes, you can buy a cheaper gaming mouse option, but this feels and behaves premium while maintaining a price point that isn’t ridiculous.

“Buying a gaming mouse is similar to buying running shoes or other performance gear — features matter,” said Shazim Mohammad, founder of Glorious Gaming. “Hardware must ensure gamers can comfortably perform at their best, for as long as they’d like. The Model D 2 has an intuitive and comfortable shape, conducive to grip style, that allows you to confidently control the mouse without strain and still enjoy world-class performance, elite speed, and peak precision. With the D 2, you can code all day and game all night.”

Glorious is putting out some really great gear right now and deserve to be in your thoughts when it comes to upgrading that grubby old mouse you are using at the moment.

The D2 is available at Gloriousgaming.com and at participating retailers.

Glorious D2 Mouse Features

The Model D 2 features the BAMF 2.0 26K optical sensor, which tracks fast flicks and precise movements with flawless accuracy. More than capable of handling the most demanding needs of gamers, the D 2 can track at up to 650 Inches Per Second (IPS) and 50G of acceleration, allowing gamers to accurately flick shot opponents in FPS games, cast skill shots in MOBAs and track opponents in Battle Royale games.

Using the Glorious Core 2.0 software, users can dial in their sensitivity with an adjustable DPI up to 26,000, which allows gamers to find the sensitivity that matches their playstyle.

Glorious D2 versions

Model D 2 Wired
US $64.99 | Europe €69.99 | UK £59.99
· 1 x Model D 2
· 2 x Feet Extensions

Model D 2 Wireless
$99.99 | Europe €99.99 | UK £89.99
· 1 x Model D 2 Wireless
· 2 x Feet Extensions
· 1 x 2.4 GHz Wireless Receiver
· 1 x Wireless Extender Dongle
· 1 x Type A to Type C Ascended Cable

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Paul McNally
Gaming Editor

Paul McNally has been around consoles and computers since his parents bought him a Mattel Intellivision in 1980. He has been a prominent games journalist since the 1990s, spending over a decade as editor of popular print-based video games and computer magazines, including a market-leading PlayStation title published by IDG Media. Having spent time as Head of Communications at a professional sports club and working for high-profile charities such as the National Literacy Trust, he returned as Managing Editor in charge of large US-based technology websites in 2020. Paul has written high-end gaming content for GamePro, Official Australian PlayStation Magazine,…

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