Home Atari confirms release date and details for arcade racer NeoSprint

Atari confirms release date and details for arcade racer NeoSprint


  • Atari announces release date for NeoSprint, first 'Sprint' title since 1987.
  • Modern visuals, 3D isometric tracks, and up to 8-player single-screen racing.
  • Customizable tracks, various modes including Campaign, and Grand Prix.

Atari and developer Headless Chicken have confirmed the release date for NeoSprint, representing the publisher’s first ‘Sprint’ title since 1987.

The trailer release confirmed June 27 as the arrival date for the first title since Championship Sprint, with the new edition set to feature modern visuals and a shift from the arcade racing game roots and 2D to 3D isometric tracks, with single-screen racing play frolics for up to eight players.

The game contains tracks that can be customized and depending on your preference, you can add jumps, ramps and many other items for added detail. Four theme settings are available for selection: forest, desert, winter, and city.

You can get competitive with the main Campaign Mode, with further challenges found in Obstacles Courses and Time Trials. As well as vying with friends or family to be first across the finish line, you can compete against up to eight AI opponents, for a twist on solo play.

In Grand Prix mode, you can build circuits from tracks previously created, browse and choose tracks created by other players or combine elements from both.

New addition to the Sprint racing game series

Developed by Costa Rica-based studio Headless Chicken in conjunction with Atari’s time-served art director John Kauderer, NeoSprint has been described as a “passion project” combining retro nostalgia and contemporary features. The new release appears set to be a fitting addition to the series, following on from the likes of Sprint 2, 4, 8, and One.

NeoSprint was initially presented as an early-access game on Atari VCS during its development stage with the production staff implementing feedback from the community to make subtle adjustments for the full release.

NeoSprint will be released for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC via Steam, and Atari VCS on June 27 for $24.99.

Here is the official release date trailer.

Image credit: Steam

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Graeme Hanna
Tech Journalist

Graeme Hanna is a full-time, freelance writer with significant experience in online news as well as content writing. Since January 2021, he has contributed as a football and news writer for several mainstream UK titles including The Glasgow Times, Rangers Review, Manchester Evening News, MyLondon, Give Me Sport, and the Belfast News Letter. Graeme has worked across several briefs including news and feature writing in addition to other significant work experience in professional services. Now a contributing news writer at ReadWrite.com, he is involved with pitching relevant content for publication as well as writing engaging tech news stories.

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