In honor of Opening Day, digital marketing firm Silverpop analyzed the social-mobile activities of all thirty Major League Baseball teams and their fans. Even better, they put their data into an infographic.
What have we learned? The New York Yankees, despite embarrassing themselves in last year’s playoffs, are the most social team in baseball. (No Derek Jeter jokes allowed.)
The Yankees and the Red Sox have the most Facebook fans. (The SF Giants, whose home field is just a city block away from ReadWrite HQ, trail in fourth place, surprisingly enough.) Meanwhile, the Brewers-Rockies game in Milwaukee, somewhat surprisingly, produced the most Foursquare check-ins among all stadiums on Opening Day.
Expect advertisers and social media platforms to continue to reach out to baseball fans in the stadium, even during those high-drama moments. Baseball fans clearly like to have their smartphones with them at the game.