Home Writing native Tizen Applications using the 1.0 (Larkspur) SDK Scratchbox and EFL

Writing native Tizen Applications using the 1.0 (Larkspur) SDK Scratchbox and EFL

Here is a article written by Michael Sheldon of his adventure in porting one of his applications to Tizen. If you want to read the full technical bit the link is at the bottom of the page:
Tizen has the capacity for native applications written using the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (EFL), however in the 1.0 SDK release this functionality isn’t particularly well exposed.
Instead the main focus is currently on HTML5/JavaScript based applications, which is fine, but it’s not appropriate for all applications. As a way to get to grips with Tizen in more detail I decided to try porting one of my existing applications, Eyrie, from MeeGo Harmattan (as used by the Nokia N9) to Tizen.
Eyrie is one such application which clearly isn’t especially suited to being written as a web app. It requires the ability to get raw audio samples from the microphone and perform some signal processing on them to extract acoustic fingerprints. As far as I can see the current Tizen Web API doesn’t really have the capacity to handle audio input at such a low level, and even if it did making use of it for Eyrie would involve completely rewriting the EchoPrint codegen library in JavaScript to handle the fingerprinting.
However by making use of EFL I was able to get the bulk of Eyrie ported to Tizen in less than 24 hours. Thanks to both MeeGo and Tizen using GStreamer as their multimedia framework and the EchoPrint codegen library being easy enough to compile for both platforms all that was really needed was a new UI using EFL instead of QML. Below you can see a video of the initial port running on the Tizen emulator (I don’t have a real device to play with at the moment), the UI is still a little rough around the edges but all the main functionality is working.

In this tutorial we’ll work through the creation, building, packaging and deployment of a very simple EFL application, which I hope will give people a handle on a potential workflow for native application development using the 1.0 SDK release.
The complete source for this tutorial can be download here: eflexample.tar.gz.
For all the full information please visit Michael Sheldon’s Stuff

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