Lucas Gonze has been evangelizing a concept called lightnet. He coined the term, based on a recent Alex Barnett post entitled Hypertext and the next 15 years. Check out Lucas’ page full of lightnet links. So what is lightnet? It took me a bit of clicking around to grok it, but basically it’s the Two-Way Web for rich media.
As Jon Udell wrote, lightnet is “the antithesis of the walled-garden darknet”. The term darknet comes from the JD Lasica book.
Lucas wrote me an email to tell me how lightnet intersects with Web 2.0. I’m sure he won’t mind me quoting this bit:
“…the benefits of web 2.0 can accrue to audio and video just as much as to web pages and feeds. For example, webjay-ish URL playlists are remixes in the web 2.0 sense…”
I couldn’t agree more and I fully support the opening up of rich media to allow remixes – and other forms of ‘user’ creation.
The Lightnet Tron, c/o