FaceoffIM is a chat client developed specifically for Facebook Chat users to stay connected to their online friends without a web browser and Facebook’s suspiciously social interface.

According to developer James Morrissey, “It’s aimed primarily toward those who may work in an office (or even people at school) and want to keep Facebook chat running all day to keep in contact with friends, without needing to have a full facebook web browser session going – which doesn’t look so great if someone’s boss walks past.” Right on, James! Power to the people!
FaceoffIM features tabbed chatting and a panic button, another office essential in case of nosy bosses. Simply tapping the escape key hides the client in the system tray until it is needed again.
It’s a very quick download that requires only a user’s Facebook login information. Once inside, a user is presented with the most utilitarian gray windows possible. This could be almost any business’ proprietary data entry system:

But as mentioned, this is one scenario wherein ugliness is intentional and kind of works.