Over at the Tizen forum today, a public poll was created to see if users were interested on a multi profile mode for their Samsung Z1 and Z3 smartphones. This is however not to be confused with user-login profile modes wherein multiple users will be able to use the same device with their preferred settings. What Samsung have in mind with this feature is to give a choice to the users on how they would like to envision the User Interface of their handsets.
The possible update to Tizen phones is likely to bring four profile modes initially bearing the names Classic, Silver, Kids and Techie profiles. The Classic Profile is the one that’s been running on Z1 and Z3 devices ever since their launch.
The Silver Profile mode is a toned down version of the Classic mode calling in for simplified menus, reduced app features and a overall simplified user experience for the average non geeky users. The background and icons will also get a silver makeover so that users can recognize what mode they’re in.
The Kids Profile mode will restrict core functionalities that a parent wouldn’t want their children tinkering about in their smartphones. This too gets a makeover in UX with colorful backgrounds and cartoons as icons.
The Techie profile is for the more geeky (power users) community of Tizen users and developers who know their way around the Tizen OS. This profile will bring additional features to the smartphone for user to play with. We can only hope that we are given full access to the device, or to put it in iPhone language JAILBROKEN or ANDROID root access, without any complex hoops to jump through.
If this interests you as a Tizen device user, head over to Tizen forum and cast your vote to make it a reality