Today VMware announced Horizon App Manager, a single sign-on service for software-as-a-service applications such as Google Apps, and WebEx as well as websites such as AmericanAirlines and Facebook. The app manager is just one part of VMware’s Project Horizon. VMware promises future access control technology under the Horizon brand.

The service will compete with Okta, which we featured here.

The app manager supports:
- All major browsers.
- Microsoft Active Directory and other enterprise directories.
- Authentication standards such as ecurity Assertion Markup Language (SAML) and Open Authentication (Oauth).
- Provisioning accounts on supported applications, such as, Google,, SlideRocket, VMware Zimbra and WebEx.
- Roles-Based Access and Reporting.
The service will cost $30 per user per year.
VMware owns Zimbra, and it acquired SlideRocket earlier this year. Horizon represents a further move outside of VMware’s tradtiional role as a virtualization software vendor and into the providing a more diverse set of services in the public cloud.