With the current COVID-19 pandemic spreading, many people that are in need of medical help aren’t seeking it. Who knows were the virus is hiding. This is a time where medical organisations should be implementing video calling doctors more heavily. Lets have a look at the medical pros and cons of video calls.
Many countries have already started on this project but it is not as widespread as it should be. For example, in Sweden you can use KRY. This is a video consultation service. So then you can connect to a doctor and talk over the phone. In the UK, the NHS (National Healthcare Service) has introduced a ‘GP at Hand’ service through an app.
The Pros
Apart from the fact that it keeps the patient away from others, they may be more at ease in their own home rather than going out. As well as this, the waiting rooms in surgeries are going to be less filled – therefore making it safer for everyone in the room. In the long term, it may also be cheaper. There may need to be less consult rooms – less heating and electricity. If your problem is straight forward and you don’t exactly need an examination, why would you need to go in? This saves time so that you can get on with your day and the doctor can see other patients who need more complicated care.
Despite the fact that people may feel safer at home, what about the human touch? That itself can be quite healing. As well as this, medical organisations will need to adapt their equipment and consulting skills so that they can properly do their jobs in the virtual world. As well as this, everything is then going to be done online. With this comes the obvious concerns with confidentiality and legal concerns if a doctor ends up with a missed diagnosis. However, if the doctor is trained properly, we don’t need to worry about the latter.
Smartwatches mixed with healthcare
Not only do we have to start relying more on video calling doctors – but also our smartwatches. Whilst in isolation we have to do as much as we can to make sure we are fit and healthy. For example, using a smartwatches ECG feature. This helps you track your heart rate and the rhythm of your heartbeats as well as the state of your conduction and muscle tissue. If the smartwatch has an SpO2 sensor, you’d also be able to track your blood oxygenation. Being able to track your possibly irregular heart beat or high heart rate will help doctors make the right diagnoses. Both virtually and in person.
Stick to a regimen
You could think of a regimen to stick to. Whilst you’re in isolation / lockdown you should still strive to keep healthy. Whilst you’re doing some exercises make sure your heart rate stays within a normal range. Note your heart rate somewhere safe so you can look back on it for reference should you come to it. Having a blood pressure machine is useful as well. If you can get your hands on one, I would suggest to do so.
Stay safe during these times!