Students at UCLA don’t have to rely on torrent sites to get their fix of online TV anymore – or at least that’s the message the school wants to send. UCLA just announced a partnership with Clicker, a programming guide for online TV content. Thanks to this partnership, students at UCLA will soon be able to use a co-branded version of Clicker that will give them convenient access to student-generated content, university-generated content and regular online TV content and music videos from services like Hulu.

Clicker launched in November 2009 and tries to offer its users a comprehensive TV Guide-like database of online video content. The service indexes TV shows from most American broadcast and cable networks, as well as Web originals. UCLA students will also be able to access proprietary UCLA content, including videos of lectures and university events.
Clicker currently indexes well over 400,000 episodes from more than 7,000 different TV shows. You can find our in-depth review of Clicker here.

Making the MPAA Happy
One organization that is particularly happy about this new collaboration is the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA). According to the MPAA’s general counsel and chief content protection officer Daniel Mandil, the organization applauds “ and UCLA for fostering a campus culture that respects creativity and supports the livelihoods of the millions of people across the United States and around the world who create the movies and TV shows that we love, and for helping to ensure that these great jobs will be there for future college graduates.”
UCLA – like most colleges in the U.S. – has been trying to discourage students from use illegal file sharing services on campus. UCLA’s associate vice chancellor of information technology actually testified about the university’s attempts to stop file sharing on campus in front of the House Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet and Intellectual Property in 2004.
It will be interesting to see if UCLA’s students will use this program and if file-sharing traffic on the UCLA campus will decline because of it.