Twitter struggles with retention of new users and communicating its value to non-early would-be adopters. Few things are as valued as communication between mothers and children, though. Que the Mothers’ Day Twitter tape!
Twitter just posted a charming video (below) of staff members and others talking about their moms’ use of Twitter and a blog post offering some friendly responses to your mom’s most likely objections (“I don’t have anything to say!”). Allusions are made to how some people are embarrassed when their parents join social networks but the company doesn’t make the two most important argument: unlike Facebook, your mom can’t post anything to your wall where your friends will see it. She can post all she wants and no one you know will see it unless they’ve subscribed.
What do you think, do you buy it? The star of the show is Kimra McPherson, a Master’s candidate at the School of Information at UC Berkeley. I think she makes a pretty compelling case for asking Mom to follow you. Maybe you’re reading this and you are a mom on Twitter yourself. How’s that going for you?
Missed opportunity: Twitter says you should tell your mom about following Martha Stewart, Margaret Atwood or Jamie Oliver – but why not encourage users to build Twitter Lists to share with their moms? One click – boom: a stream of stuff just for mom, just the way she likes it. That’s what I’m thinking my mom might like.