Twitter made news today for announcing that it now sees an average of 50 million status messages posted each day. A sharp growth curve indicates that activity on Twitter could grow much higher in the short term future. Good old MySpace says it can’t be counted out yet, though.
MySpace told me tonight that it still sees 1 billion status messages per month, divided by 30 days that’s about 33 million status messages per day. That means until just last Fall, MySpace was still bigger than Twitter. How easy is it to forget that? Twitter may be bigger now, but there are still millions upon millions of people using MySpace.
Above: Quantcast’s estimates of website traffic, not including Twitter application use.
I went onto MySpace tonight and found that 9 out of my 21 friends on the site had logged in within the last 30 days, many of them this week or today! It’s hard to say how many of them were just checking in to see who else had checked in, or to look for status messages that weren’t there, but they checked in none the less and tens of millions of people do post status updates to MySpace on any given day. Google even added MySpace status messages to its real-time search this week.
I’ve got my MySpace account wired up with my Tweetdeck install now, so when my friends do post something I’ll be able to see it. And I can cross post things over to MySpace, too. But my resolution to use MySpace more may be short lived. I tried to go add more friends there and had a hard time finding people I knew. Or I found them, added them and then worried that they’d just think I was creepy for contacting them outside of Facebook. Maybe that’s all in my head though.
So two things to consider. The old King really is no more, MySpace is officially behind Twitter now. (Liz Gannes writes today that Twitter is fast approaching Facebook as well, while acknowledging that the term status message mean something different on Facebook.) But MySpace remains a thriving place for millions of people. Will it remain that way? Development hasn’t stopped, the trend doesn’t look good, but who can really say? The only thing that can be said for sure today is: MySpace isn’t dead yet.
Above: Kevin Marks skewers MySpace critics, including yours truly.