Twitter quietly added a prompt to post a public reply to any user whose profile page you visit today; it’s a small but logical step to take and one that makes the interface all the more supportive of social interaction. Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey replied to user @jSammy17 and said the feature was new today – that appears to be the company’s only public statement about it so far.
Activity streams, photo uploaders and media galleries, now changes to the posting interface – with all these changes made in one week you’d think there was a hot new social network that had just launched and that was challenging Twitter for its users. When will a Twitter Games Platform launch, I wonder?
The call to action to send a public @ reply to a user whose profile page you’re on is pretty straightforward. You could always send a private Direct Message to someone when you visited their page if they were following you. Now whether they are following you or not, you can initiate a conversation.
Above, finance blogger and post-industrial renaissance woman Sarah Gilbert is a great person to follow. Now you can send her, or anyone else, public replies whether she follows you back or not.
As always, you can find the ReadWriteWeb team on Twitter here.