Okay, time to get shopping today, at least according to all the merchants who have had their doors open since last night. But how about putting some of the retail therapy to better use? Apica, the cloud performance measurement vendor, is sponsoring a contest, and the first prize is a $1000 Amazon gift card. Certainly, we all spend too much with Amazon as it is, but this could go towards a new Kindle or a bunch of videos to bulk up your holiday collection.

The contest has already begun and you have until the end of the day on January 3 to enter your own rap or 140-character rhyme about your best or worst e-shopping experience, real or imagined. As you can guess with the 140 characters, you have to enter via tweeting to @apicasystems, and include the hash tag #apicarap. So you have less than the full 140 right off the bat. The entries will be based on creativity, humor, and relevance.
In addition to the $1000 gift card, Apica will offer other Amazon gift cards for the runners-up.