As someone without a technical background, I’m often skeptical of promises like “one-button setup” and “installs in 2 minutes.” Just because it’s easy or obvious for the developer, doesn’t mean it’s easy for the end-user. “Turnkey” isn’t always “turnkey.”

But TurnKey Linux promise that the new backup and migration tool it’s built – aptly titled TKLBAM – isn’t hyperbole. Here’s the pitch: “We designed “TurnKey Backup and Migration” (which we’re open sourcing BTW), to be our ideal backup system. Imagine a fully automated backup and restore system with no pain. That you wouldn’t need to configure. That just magically knows what to backup and, just as importantly, what NOT to backup, to create super efficient, encrypted backups of changes to files, databases, package management state, even users and groups.”
We wrote about the launch of TurnKey Hub in June (and yes, it was incredibly “turnkey” for even me), and the hub will be the front-end for the new backup and restore facility the company launched last week.
According to co-founder Liraz Siri, the possible uses for this product include migration to a local deployment to a cloud server or from one cloud server to another, migration from 32-bit to 64-bit, or migration from a virtual machine to bare metal. Unlike conventional backups, says Siri, TKLBAM is “system smart” with awareness about configuration files and permissions, for example.
Here’s a video demonstrating a migration with the tool.
Integration of the tool with all of TurnKey Linux’s offerings is in the works.