Home Top 10 Vine Stars Of All Time

Top 10 Vine Stars Of All Time

Vine’s six-second video loops are the latest forum for today’s Internet Famous. Like YouTube and Instagram, Vine now hosts online celebrities with giant, legitimate followings. Here at ReadWrite, we’ve told you about how Vine stars spawned real-life teenage pandemonium, and also how some short video celebs branch off to become stars on other platforms like Snapchat

For the uninitiated, Vine is a video-sharing service, created in 2012, and acquired by Twitter in October of the same year. The service allows users to upload 6 second videos that constantly replay on loops. Popular “Viners” are lauded for conveying humor, information, or creativity in such a fleeting portion of time. 

Here are the 10 most subscribed Vine stars of September 2014: 

10. Josh Peck


Followers: 5,601,716
Loops: 456,526,885

9. Rudy Mancuso


Followers: 5,810,289
Loops: 1,035,402,478

8. Jerry Purpdrank


Followers: 5,847,862
Loops: 1,350,487,067

7. Cameron Dallas


Followers: 5,892,021
Loops: 767,361,065

6. Curtis Lepore 


Followers: 6,094,762 
Loops: 849,369,479 

5. Alx James


Followers: 6,215,374
Loops: 912,042,151 

4. Jerome Jarre


Followers: 7,326,463 
Loops: 770,902,298

3. Brittany Furlan


Followers: 7,410,784 
Loops: 1,288,339,388 

2. KingBach


Followers: 8,448,663
 Loops: 1,299,765,141 

1. Nash Grier


Followers: 9,589,738 
Loops: 1,038,126,059 

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