Home Tibco Offers Real-Time Service For Optimizing BPM Software

Tibco Offers Real-Time Service For Optimizing BPM Software

Tibco is offering a real-time service called iProcess Spotfire that allows business users to manipulate data and produce reports from their business process management (BPM) software.

Tibco’s do-it-yourself (DIY) service represents one of the promises of the real-time enterprise. The task of updating and fine tuning BPM software usually requires the help of IT personnel. It’s reminiscent of how the web has made the most complex tasks fairly doable by people with little expertise. Tasks that once required experts now can be performed by people with few technical skills.

The Tibco service is designed for all levels of business users. Professionals can use it to understand the operation aspects of the process performance. Executives can use it to get a broad look at the business.

iProcess Spotfire features:

Personalized process reporting and analytics: Gone are the static dashboards. Custom templates display reports that are tailored to specific users.

Better Context:
Tibco provides the ability to extract process performance data generated by the BPM and combine it with business information from other applications. This provides the business manager with a broader context than if the data from the BPM environment was all that could be accessed.

Self-service: Instead of relying on IT to create custom reports, iProcess Spotfire enables business users to customize their own work and analyze the metrics themselves. By empowering the business users directly, companies can save time and money, while simultaneously ensuring that changes in the business process performance can be identified and acted upon by the most appropriate people, in the most efficient manner.

Due in large part to the faltering economy, BPM software is proving to be one of the hottest growing sectors in the enterprise IT market. According to Gartner, the BPM market will increase 5% over the next year. Companies that make the investment now in BPM will see better growth when the economy rebounds.

The Tibco offering optimizes BPM software even more by making it a DIY product. Efficiencies are maximized and business managers get to make better customizations that in the long run could have a real effect on the bottom line.

Disclosure: Tibco is a sponsor of the ReadWrite Real-Time Web Summit to be held October 15 at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, Ca.

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