These statistics were projected on the screen before Steve Ballmer took the stage in San Francisco on Monday to introduce the latest version of Microsoft Office:
73% of business managers believe work spillover into personal time isn’t a bad thing.
59% of business managers believe they make better business decisions as a result.
56% of people send their first email before they arrive in the office.
73% of people send their last email of the day after leaving the office.
98% of business managers deal with work issues via email outside of work hours.
98% of business managers deal with personal matters during normal work hours.
1 in 4 believe their productivity would increase if they could work from home or remotely.
45% of workers would accept a lower salary if it meant they had flexibility in where and when they work and the devices they use.
130 million workers will use mobile cloud-based applications by 2014.
60% of devices are used for both work and personal issues.
300 Sq. feet: Average office space in 1995.
225 Sq. feet: Average office space in 2011.
No sources were supplied. Make of this what you will…