Telegram has exploded with loads of files that can hack mass servers and can buy and sell stolen data.
Cyber intelligence company, Cybretint, found a group of hackers selling data leaks on the social media platform. The channels can have tens of thousands of members. Content of the dark web can be found here, all a hacker needs is an invite and then they have access to be use Telegram as a cybercriminal app.

“We have recently been witnessing a 100 per cent-plus rise in Telegram usage by cybercriminals,” said Tal Samra, a cyber threat analyst at Cyberint. The social media app’s police of them not viewing others messages was what let this act slip. At least they should get a moderating system to flag an inappropriate act.
Many passwords have been leaked into this group and are a serious escalation of cybercrime. Can the social media platform be used as a dark web alternative?