Telegram is a large messaging platform that hasn’t had many new features to the app in quite a large period of time. On June 25th, Telegram got an update adding group video calls and animated backgrounds in the latest version of the messanger.
What Features Come with Telegram 7.8?
Telegram has had video calls for a long time, but not group video calls, nor animated backgrounds. People can now also share their screens with others in a group call. These features have been in the working for at least a month, with many people reviewing the app while it was in the beta version.
Tap the overflow button, more known as the three-dotted button, and you’ll be able to find the option to either start recordings or screen sharing, though the first 30 users will be able to use video, the rest will be stuck on audio for now.
The new Telegram update also brings a new UI, giving a more styled look. Wait, there’s more! Now, whenever you were to send a message to another person, the background gradient changes to another point. Though if you want separate colours, you would need at least three for the effect to work.
Many new updates that have been expected have yet to make their appearance, so maybe in upcoming updates these features will be revealed?