Home Teambox Offers New Collaboration Tools

Teambox Offers New Collaboration Tools

Teambox, yet another social stream project management tool, has come out with some new enhancements to its service. If you are still using email to collaborate and send documents back and forth, maybe it is time to take a look at what they offer.

This is a crowded market, with tools from Yammer, Basecamp and Socialtext just to name a few. The core difference is that Teambox is both a collaboration tool and task management system integrated into a single tool. The tasks to manage are in line with all the communication and discussions.

There are two new enhancements to the service. The first is the ability to add private elements, so that anything you create can be restricted to specific people, or remain private. This gives you a lot of control especially when you are working with subcontractors who are bidding on a job, so all of those people can be in the same project without having to create complex groups or separate projects.

Second is the addition of a series of task list templates and the ability to move a task to its own discussion or vice-versa, as you can see in the above screenshot. Several educational institutions are using this software with hundreds of users.

Pricing is up to $100/month for the paid version, but you can try up to three projects with a free account. All plans cover unlimited users with a single organization.

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