According to StatCounter‘s measurements, StumbleUpon has just surpassed Facebook and now delivers more than half of all social media referral traffic in the U.S. StumbleUpon founder and CEO Garrett Camp tweeted the news this afternoon.

Facebook achieved this goal in April of 2010, but StumbleUpon was already well on its way. At that time, StumbleUpon already gave twice as many referrals as Twitter. StumbleUpon’s user experience is fanciful and fun, but its traffic power for publishers is quite serious. While the other social networks make the headlines, StumbleUpon has been a quiet success story. In light of today’s news, it won’t be so quiet for long.
Source: StatCounter Global Stats – Social Media Market Share
It has been a good week for StumbleUpon. Earlier this week, it rolled out the Explore Box, which enables users to focus their stumbling by typing in topics, narrowing the scope of their discoveries without taking away the fun randomness.

Do you use StumbleUpon for browsing? For driving traffic to your content? Let us know in the comments.