Social media provides companies with new opportunities for customer service, research and marketing (within reason of course), but most respondents to a survey of C-level executive conducted by Harris Interactive for Capgemini aren’t yet sure how to harness social media.

The results are part of Capgemini’s Executive Outsourcing Survey, and follows the firm’s launch of its social media management service. Harris surveyed 302 senior executives at Fortune 1000 companies.
More than half say that social media is a part of their company’s customer care operations, but 64% of those said that the marketing department is solely responsible for social media marketing. Most (74%) executives in the study were simply unsure how many employees are dedicated to customer care via the social Web.
Most (57%) see social media as a means for “inviting customer input on product and services, lead generation, responding to complaints, internal reporting, and measuring customer satisfaction.” However, there’s still a sizable minority (13%) that believe social media is just a fad and is not important to their company’s success.
Photo by kioan