Home Solana Meme Coin Slothana Set To Host Free Poker Event on CoinPoker

Solana Meme Coin Slothana Set To Host Free Poker Event on CoinPoker

One of the best performing Solana meme coins this month, Slothana, has partnered with the crypto poker platform CoinPoker for a tournament on May 19th, with a free entry for Slothana holders. Let’s dig into the details of this new collaboration.

Slothana meme coin and CoinPoker launch a poker tournament – Free Entry for SLOTH Community

Slothana announced that CoinPoker has set up a special “SLOTHSUNDAY” no-limit hold’em tournament exclusively for the Slothana community.

This collaboration offers Slothana enthusiasts a chance to compete for a substantial $10,000 guaranteed prize pool and also an opportunity to experience the thrill of crypto poker firsthand. Tournament will be held on 19th May 2024 at 19:00 GMT

With free entry for the entire Slothana community and additional incentives like $25 rebuys and exclusive “juicy $SLOTH prizes,” this tournament promises to be an interesting event for both poker fans or Slothana supporters.

What additionally added to the excitement surrounding this tournament is the involvement of Tony G, a popular and well-known poker player. His presence could potentially draw in more players to this collaboration between a Solana meme coin and a crypto poker site.

How to Play?

To participate in the highly anticipated #SLOTHSUNDAY no-limit hold’em tournament hosted by CoinPoker, Slothana community members need to follow a few simple steps. First, register and download the CoinPoker app from their website for Windows, Mac, or Android devices.

Once installed, log in to the app and locate the “Sloth Sunday” tournament in the lobby’s tournaments section. Use the password “sleepyandslothful” to register for the event.

With registration complete, players just need to wait for the tournament to commence on May 19th, 2024, at 19:00 GMT. The tournament boasts an impressive guaranteed prize pool of $10,000, with $25 rebuys available for those who want to increase their chances of winning big.

Adding an extra layer of excitement, CoinPoker is offering special bonuses and “juicy $SLOTH prizes” for knocking out the Sloth avatar during the tournament. So, keep an eye out for that elusive SLOTH and aim for those coveted rewards!

Best Solana Meme Coins to Buy Now

Slothana has experienced very positive price action this month, with its price pumping over 600% to surpass a $100 million market cap. This surge was followed by a successful crypto presale where Slothana raised over $15 million quickly, indicating investor interest. This makes Slothana potentially one of the best Solana meme coins to invest in right now.

In addition to Slothana, popular YouTuber ClayBro, with 128k subscribers, highlighted Sealana as another hot Solana meme coin. Sealana is now in presale and has gained momentum this week since this new Solana meme coin project raised over $1.2 million, within just a few weeks.

Sealana’s marketing efforts are intensifying, with increasing social media engagement and impressions. Their playful, South Park-inspired approach to graphics and memes resonates well with their audience.

Furthermore, Sealana is advertising on various crypto media outlets such as CryptoPotato, Cryptonews, CaptainAltcoin, and many others.


The partnership between CoinPoker and Slothana represents a convergence of the meme coin phenomenon and the thriving cryptocurrency poker industry. By hosting the SLOTHSUNDAY tournament, CoinPoker is tapping into the Solana meme coin world.

This collaborative effort showcases different ways in which different sectors of the cryptocurrency ecosystem can intersect. So, if you are a poker player involved in Solana meme coins, this is a potentially interesting opportunity.


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Petar Jovanović
Crypto Writer

Petar Jovanović brings years of experience in the crypto industry to ReadWrite. With a strong belief in the potential of the web3 market since 2017, he's passionate about sharing valuable insights and knowledge. Based in Serbia, Petar graduated in Economics at the University of Niš, and went on to become the Head of Content at Captain Altcoin, an online magazine covering all things blockchain. His work has also been published on BeInCrypto and German site Kryptozeitung. Feel free to connect with Petar to discuss the exciting world of cryptocurrencies and decentralized technologies.

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