Samsung has made available the first software / firmware update for the Samsung Gear S2 via Over the Air (OTA) update. This first went live on Korea, and then parts of Europe namely Netherlands and the UK. This update provides not only performance improvements but also some new features. The Software version is R32XXU2BOKK and this is a 89 MB download.
Users now have a Mendini watch face, new search feature in the Contacts, World Clock, News Briefing and ESPN apps, Screen timeout setting, alert when disconnected from bluetooth setting, and direct input of Emojis from the keyboard. The ESPN watch face / app lets fans check out the scores directly from the watch face itself.
As the Smart watch competition runs with Android wear, Samsung has been bold to go for Tizen. The Operating System has a wearable profile (not public yet) and includes only the services that would be required by a modern smartwatch, and therefore can outperform Android Wear in terms of speed and battery consumption. Whilst the competition can barely get a days use, we can regularly get 2 days usage out if the Gear S2.
The update can be Installed via the Gear Manager App but you do need to make sure you are running the latest version. You should get a notification to update, but if not then do the following to manually check:
Manually Check
- Launch Gear Manager App
- Select Settings
- Select About Gear
- Select Update Gear Software
- Select Update now