The bicycle bell hasn’t seen much change since its introduction: you press it and it pings. Shoka Bell wants to change that, with its new self-titled bell that provides navigation and protects your bike.
Shoka Bell comes in two parts, a metal interior that attaches to the bike and a vibrant exterior that handles all the navigation, LEDs, and sounds—you take that part with you when you get off the bike.
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The exterior comes in a variety of colors and has a battery life of over 200 hours. Users can customize the bell noises for different people and there are plenty of sounds to choose from, including some goofy ones.
Shoka Bell listens to the surrounding noise and automatically changes the noise level of the bell. If you are riding in a quiet park, you will hear a quiet bell, but when navigating congested roads, the bell will be louder.
Through the LED lights, the Shoka Bell can also provide navigation. It plans routes that are safe for cyclists, rather than the quickest route available, to ensure that the bike ride is enjoyable. The LED lights also act as a light when riding home in the night, to alert cars of your presence.
When you arrive at the destination, the exterior of the Shoka Bell can be removed from the bike. If you remain within a 250 meter radius, the bell alerts you if the bike has been touched. Hopefully the bell is able to recognize the difference between theft and the wind.
Shoka Bell’s Kickstarter launch quickly gained enough funding to be successful. For those interested, the bell is available for $99 for “early birds” or $119 for anyone that comes in late. For businesses, Shoka is selling 10 bells for $94 each.