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    近年、「Web3.0」という言葉が注目を集めています。これは「Web3」とも呼ばれ、ブロックチェーン技術を活用した「分散型インターネット」の時代を指します。従来のインターネット(Web2.0)とは異なり、巨大企業による情報管理やプライバシー問題の解決を目指した新技術として期待されています。 しかし、Web3.0はまだであり、理解するのは少し難しいかも知れません。今回は、まだ新しい概念であるWeb3.0の基礎知識やメリットを解説するとともに、Web3.0系の仮想通貨銘柄に投資することで稼ぐ方法を詳しく解説していきます。 Web3.0とは 従来のインターネット(Web2.0)では、GoogleやAmazonなどの巨大企業がプラットフォームを管理し、ユーザーはサービスを利用するために個人情報を提供していました。しかし、近年では情報漏洩などの問題も起こっており、ユーザーのデータに対する意識も高まっています。 Web3.0では、ブロックチェーン技術を用いることで、データを分散型で管理します。これにより、個人情報の漏洩リスクを減らし、ユーザー自身がデータの所有権とコントロールを持つことができます。 また、Web3.0では、ユーザー同士が直接やり取りできる仕組みが構築されます。これにより、プラットフォーム手数料などのコストを削減し、より効率的な経済活動が可能になります。 Web3.0はまだ発展途上の段階ですが、インターネットの未来を変える可能性を秘めた技術として、世界中で注目されています。 Web1.0、Web2.0、Web3.0の違いと歴史 ここで、Web1.0、Web2.0、そして現在注目を集めているWeb3.0の違いを見てみましょう。 Web1.0からWeb3.0へ、インターネットは情報閲覧型から双方向コミュニケーション型、そして分散型へと進化してきました。Web3.0は、Web2.0の課題を解決し、より自由で安全なインターネットを実現する可能性を秘めています。 参考記事:Web3.0 (METI/経済産業省) Web1.0(1990年代~2000年代前半) 情報閲覧が中心の一方通行型インターネット 代表的なサービス:ホームページ作成ツール、情報ポータルサイト 技術的な制約:テキストベース、画像や動画が少ない コミュニケーション手段:メール Web2.0(2000年代後半~現在) 双方向コミュニケーション型インターネットへの進化 代表的なサービス:YouTube、SNS、ブログ 画像や動画を容易に扱えるように ユーザー同士の交流が活発化 中央集権型構造による情報管理の集中 プライバシー侵害や情報漏洩などの問題 Web3.0(2020年代~) Web2.0の課題を解決する分散型インターネット ブロックチェーン技術を活用 個人情報やデータの所有権をユーザー自身が持つ 中央集権型プラットフォーマーに依存しない ユーザー同士の直接取引や情報共有 まだ発展途上だが、インターネットの未来を変える可能性 Web3.0関連のおすすめ仮想通貨銘柄 ここで、Web3.0関連でおすすめしたい仮想通貨の銘柄をご紹介していきます。 Dogeverse(DOGEVERSE) https://youtu.be/JJ5OLqIA504 Web3.0時代で、仮想通貨市場はますます活発化しています。そんな中、今最も注目を集めているミームコインの一つが「Dogeverse(DOGEVERSE)」です。 Dogeverseは、2024年4月に誕生したばかりの新プロジェクトですが、そのコンセプトと活気あるコミュニティから、瞬く間に人気を博しています。最大の特徴は、イーサリアム、BNBチェーン、ポリゴン、ソラナ、アバランチ、Baseの6つの主要ブロックチェーンに対応したマルチチェーン対応であることです。ユーザーにとって利便性が高く、あらゆる環境でDogeverseを利用できることを意味します。 さらに、Dogeverseは独自のユーティリティも備えています。マルチブリッジ、DEX、NFTマーケットプレイスなどを提供することで、Dogecoinエコシステムを構築しています。 Dogeverseの爆発的な成長を支えている要因は、以下の3つが挙げられます。 マルチチェーン対応による利便性の向上 独自のユーティリティによるDogecoinエコシステムの構築 活発なコミュニティ Dogeverseはまだ開発段階ですが、その将来性は非常に高いと評価されています。2030年にはプレセール価格から500倍に成長する可能性も秘めていると、専門家の間でも話題です。 Web3.0関連の仮想通貨銘柄として、Dogeverseは今後ますます注目を集めていくことでしょう。まだ投資していない方は、この機会に乗り遅れないよう、公式サイトをチェックしてみてはいかがでしょうか。 WienerAI(WAI) https://youtu.be/um85SJjvMOQ?si=M_AdqKY6Qp-sMQfB Web3.0時代において、仮想通貨市場はますます活発化し、新たな潮流が生まれています。その中でも注目を集めているのが、AIとミームコインを融合させた「WienerAI(WAI)」です。WienerAIは、愛らしい犬のキャラクターと革新的なAI技術を組み合わせたユニークなプロジェクトです。発売から数時間で12万ドルを調達し、バイナンス上場も控えていることから、投資家からの期待が高まっています。 WienerAIが将来性を秘めている理由は、以下になります。 拡大するAI市場:AI市場は今後も成長が続くことが予想されており、AI関連銘柄への投資が活発化しています。 根強いミームコイン人気:ミームコインは依然として高い人気を誇っており、WienerAIのようなユニークなコンセプトを持つコインは特に注目を集めています。...

  • two protagonists from grand theft auto 6 sit on the bonnet of a car which has bullet holes in the side. in the background is a pink and orange landscape of a warm city at sunset. there are palm trees. at the top it says grand theft auto and at the bottom it says VI coming 2025. the rockstar logo is in the bottom right corner.
    GTA 6 fans go wild over a webpage that doesn’t exist anymore

    To say people are excited for the launch of Grand Theft Auto 6 might be the understatement of the year, so it's no surprise that a new webpage that popped up then disappeared on Rockstar Games' website has sent people into a feral frenzy. Earlier this week (May 8), the...

  • A digital illustration of ChatGPT as a futuristic librarian in a vast digital library. The friendly robot is interacting with a holographic interface, where search results and web pages float in mid-air. The library is filled with glowing books and various screens displaying text, images, and diagrams. The background subtly incorporates OpenAI's branding with their logo or color scheme, enhancing the futuristic and informative atmosphere.
    OpenAI gears up to compete with Google as ChatGPT learns to search the web

    OpenAI is reportedly enhancing ChatGPT with a new feature that enables the AI to perform web searches and cite sources, according to Bloomberg, positioning it as a direct competitor to Google's search engine and AI startups like Perplexity. This development could significantly change how users interact with ChatGPT by integrating...

  • Sponsored
    SoraMala Opens Unique Presale With Team Set to Release the First Webtoon AI Meme

    A new meme coin has made a grand market entrance with promises of an expansive universe of animation and gaming surrounding the unique animal character developed by the Sora AI. By bringing together the world of AI, meme coins, and staking, $SORAMALA intends to hunt down popular projects like $BOME,...

  • iOS 17.5 lets EU iPhone users to download apps directly from websites. An image of a person holding an iPhone with the screen visible, displaying the home screen with various app icons. The phone is superimposed over a larger icon representing the App Store, which is in turn in front of a background stylized with the European Union flag, consisting of a circle of gold stars on a blue field. The image suggests a feature of iOS 17.5 that allows European Union iPhone users to download apps directly from websites, which is a departure from the previous requirement of downloading apps exclusively through the App Store.
    iOS 17.5 lets EU iPhone users to download apps directly from websites

    Apple is set to allow users in the European Union to begin downloading apps from external websites in iOS 17.5. In iOS 17.4, Apple began allowing developers to offer their apps through alternative app marketplaces in the EU to comply with the Digital Markets Act. However, Apple has now further...

  • Stealthmole secures $7m funding for its AI-powered dark web intelligence firm. A cybersecurity mole, dressed in hat and trench coat, investigating the dark web.
    StealthMole secures $7m funding for its AI-powered dark web intelligence firm

    StealthMole, a rising dark web data intelligence startup, has announced that it secured $7 million in a Series A funding round. https://twitter.com/stealthmole_int/status/1773190642627465716 The Singapore-based outlet said in a blog post that funds will be channeled towards StealthMole’s expansion into new markets, and supporting its efforts to apply its technology to...

  • baccarat trực tuyến
    Vietnam Gambling
    Baccarat trực tuyến – Top 9 trang web chơi baccaract trực tuyến tốt nhất

    Baccarat trực tuyến đang trở thành trò chơi cá cược thu hút đông đảo người chơi bởi sự tiện lợi, tốc độ nhanh chóng và tiềm năng lợi nhuận cao. Tuy nhiên, với vô số nhà cái mọc lên như nấm, việc lựa chọn nhà cái uy tín để chơi...

  • Entertainment
    Ready Player One author Ernest Cline heads up Web3 multiverse game

    Ready Player One author Ernest Cline is heading up his latest project, a multiverse game that involves Web3. The product of game studios Walker Labs and Readyverse (of which Cline is one of the co-founders), the game is called Open and has been revealed in the form of a short...

  • Person using an iPhone
    Apple reverses course on blocking web apps in the EU

    Apple has reversed its plans to restrict access to certain web apps in the EU A few days after the EU announced it would investigate Apple's plans to restrict access to certain web apps that circumvent its App Store, the tech company is now reversing that course of action. In...

  • A stylized map of Europe serves as the backdrop, overlaid with the iconic Apple logo, which is intertwined with symbols of legal scales and a magnifying glass. This composition visually represents the intense scrutiny and legal challenges Apple faces within the European Union, highlighting the intersection of technology, law, and geography.
    EU initiates investigation into Apple’s restriction on progressive web apps

    The EU has begun the preliminary stages of a formal investigation into Apple. This move, as reported by The Financial Times, comes in light of Apple's recent decision to restrict access to certain applications that circumvent its App Store, thereby intensifying the scrutiny over the tech giant's business practices. The...

  • Malware on gambling websites
    Malware on gambling websites that finance crime with your money

    The creation and distribution of gaming websites that are pre-infected with malware is North Korea's most recent money-making scheme, according to the National Intelligence Service (NIS) of South Korea. The NIS identified cybercrime organizations as buyers of the sites. According to the report, the North Korean group behind the initiative...

  • A stylized image of a large padlock made up from zeros and ones of binary code to represent a hack.
    Pennsylvania Court website down in DDoS cyber attack

    Part of the Pennsylvania Courts online system has fallen victim to a cyber attack. The Chief Justice of the US State, Deborah Todd announced that that a denial of service attack (DDoS) had hit the Pennsylvania court website. Integral court systems such as the PACFile, online docket sheets, PAePay, and...

  • An image showing a laptop wit tape over its webcam but eyes still all around it
    Covering your webcam won’t be sufficient to prevent hackers from watching you

    That tape over your webcam might not be enough -- the hackers are watching; it might be the right time to install another privacy shutter. In a report just published in Science Advances, researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) emphasized the risks to imaging privacy that ambient light...

  • Digital security concept featuring a shield against binary code with a hacker's silhouette, representing the Nevada Gaming Control Board cyber attack.
    Nevada Gaming Control Board’s website compromised in cyber attack

    The Nevada Gaming Control Board, the regulatory body overseeing the state's gaming industry, has experienced a significant cyber attack, leading to the temporary shutdown of its public-facing website. According to Gambling Insider, the attack, which also targeted the Nevada Gaming Commission's website, has raised concerns about cybersecurity in the state's...

  • AI
    Future-Proofing Your Website: Adapting to 2024 Web Technologies and Trends

    Emerging web technologies are changing the way CTOs think about the websites of the future. Globally, forward-thinking companies understand the need to adopt and adapt to tech advancements. They have to in order to reach consumers and carve out a competitive edge. As AI and other tech advancements segue into...

  • web designers working on project
    Web Design
    How to Maximize the Benefits of Working with Professional Web Designers

    In today's cutthroat online economy, it's not enough to just have a website. Your website needs to be aesthetically pleasing. Working with competent web designers is vital because establishing a functional website demands expertise and accuracy. You're working with a group of experts, but you're not sure how to maximize...

  • sports betting in australia
    Best Betting Sites in Australia for 2024 – Compare Sports Betting Websites in Australia

    Looking for the Best Betting Sites in Australia for ? Dive into the world of sports betting with our curated list of leading betting agencies that offer a thrilling and secure betting experience. Get ready to explore the best betting options, competitive odds, and a range of sports markets below....

  • Websites for Freelancers
    Best 5 Websites for Freelancers to Earn Money Online

    "Freelancers to Earn Money Online" (digitalgabber dotcom) refers to platforms where independent professionals can offer their skills and services to a global audience, earning income remotely. These platforms connect freelancers with clients seeking various services, allowing flexible work arrangements and financial independence. Here are five freelance websites for freelancers based...

  • Web Summit Event November 13,2023 in Lisbon
    New Web Summit CEO restores confidence for coming event November 13

    The technology conference Web Summit has named Katherine Maher, the former executive of the Wikimedia Foundation, as its new CEO. She will take over from the event's co-founder, Paddy Cosgrave, who stepped down on October 21 amid the uproar over his social media remarks on the Israel-Hamas conflict. Consequently, several...

  • Israeli crypto and web3 communities send aid
    Israeli crypto and web3 communities unite to provide humanitarian aid

    In the wake of the recent conflict with Hamas, the Crypto and Web3 communities in Israel have banded together to focus their efforts on providing humanitarian assistance to Israelis who have been displaced and severely affected by the crisis. Numerous individuals and businesses in the technology and blockchain industries have...

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