Results for "9"

We found 32935 results for your search.
  • Featured
    Google Maps Adapting to the New World with COVID-19

    Google Maps is going through some changes in order to reflect how the pubic will be travelling after the coronavirus lockdown is lifted. It will show COVID-19 alerts on transit routes and shows routes that are affected by travel restrictions. An example is in the UK, you need to wear...

  • cloud-based future
    How COVID-19 is Driving Us into a Cloud-Based Future

    With the advent of the COVID-19 global pandemic, many organizations have had to re-adjust the way they operate. Remote working is now a reality for large sections of the workforce. Remote collaboration through cloud-based platforms is an accepted part of most workdays. But the utility of cloud-based technology does not...

  • covid sustainability and technology
    The Impacts of COVID-19 on Sustainability and Technology

    Impact of COVID-19 - Coronavirus is not stopping, but it has stopped all the activities in the world. There are many efforts put in by all the governments to control these situations and make things easy for people. Most of the businesses are completely at a halt and have no...

  • Featured
    Wearable Technology Could be Used to Detect COVID-19

    Scientists are currently starting trials to detect whether wearable devices, like Fitbits or Samsung Galaxy wearables, can detect Covid-19 symptoms - that could lead to a diagnosis. However, these studies are in the early stages and still need to be peer-reviewed by other scientific journals/scientists. However, the Oklahoman Journal had...

  • Marketing
    Website Traffic Will Become a Defining Metric for Success (Post COVID-19)

    Human lives and the well being of Americans will always be the gravest concern in any pandemic. But if you zoom out and look at the big picture, it quickly becomes evident that the devastating impact goes far beyond physical health. Financially, the COVID-19 pandemic has ravished millions of families....

  • customer surveys
    Customer Service
    10 Tips to Create Effective Customer Surveys During COVID-19

    Whether you have a small business or a big one, or you run a non-profit organization, a customer survey is the most effective methods to gain insights. A survey will reveal your customers’ likes, dislikes -- your survey will detail a customer's needs. While you are stuck at home during...

  • digital help for covid-19 pandemic
    5 Digital Health Technologies Helping to Stop the COVID-19 Pandemic

    Taking the world by storm is the COVID-19 outbreak that has been affecting nearly every existing sector from the tech to tourism industries. The viral infection has been traveling across the globe at the speed of light, infecting more and more people day by day. Here are five digital health...

  • Featured
    Smartwatches Could Help to Detect if we Have COVID-19!

    Your smartwatch could help us detect whether we have COVID-19 or not. This Is through the devices tracking our heart rates and blood oxygen levels. Dr Michael Mina, an assistant professor of epidemiology at Harvard University, had told ESPN had said that smartwatches are "incredible devices". Additionally, they said that...

  • data for pitch
    10 Examples of How to Use Data to Pitch Press During COVID-19

    The press loves good data. However, if you are not careful in how you package your data while pitching to press, your efforts may be for nothing. Here are ten examples of how to use data to pitch press during COVID-19. Crafting your pitch -- a skill that you need...

  • Connected Devices
    Securing the Digital Workplace Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic

    The COVID-19 pandemic is an ongoing tragedy. Cases have grown exponentially, and the death toll continues to rise. In response to the outbreak, governments worldwide have placed tight restrictions on daily life; restrictions that have also transformed patterns of work. Suddenly, millions of workers have traded the office for a...

  • ai tackling covid
    5 Conversational AI Companies Tackling COVID-19

    All of the information here are the words that you read on social media, chats, news channels, advertisements, companies’ taglines, and even hear it over calls (thanks to mandatory IVR warnings). Below are five conversational AI companies that are trying to tackle COVID-19 misinformation. IVR is not just confined to...

  • big data and COVID-19
    Big Data as a Double-Edged Sword in the Fight Against COVID-19

    Big Data has emerged as a leading technological advancement that is fueling our efforts to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus. At the time of writing, the world has seen 2,585,197 cases of COVID-19, and many countries are still waiting to hit their peak. Here is how big data...

  • covid-19 jobs data
    Covid-19, Jobs, Data and Machine Learning

    Americans worry machine learning and artificial intelligence are a threat to their livelihoods. But the global pandemic demonstrates that these data technologies are essential to improving lives. A recent survey captured the job-loss anxiety. Thirty-seven percent of workers aged 18 to 24 say new technology will eliminate their job by...

  • crypto on covid
    Impact of COVID-19 in the Crypto Market

    In less than three months, the novel coronavirus (nCOVID -19) transformed from just one of the regular virus outbreaks in recent memories into a global pandemic, threatening to cause severe and drastic changes in the world's most significant issues as we know it. Many have already termed the latest pandemic...

  • Marketing
    COVID-19: Strategic Digital Marketing Matters More Now Than Ever

    There’s never been anything like this – at least in the modern age. COVID-19 has taken the entire world by storm. It's enveloped our nation, shut down vast chunks of the economy, and sent entire industries to a screeching halt. And as horrific and deadly as this virus has been,...

  • Featured
    Why COVID-19 Makes Video Calling Doctors the Next Step in Medicine

    With the current COVID-19 pandemic spreading, many people that are in need of medical help aren't seeking it. Who knows were the virus is hiding. This is a time where medical organisations should be implementing video calling doctors more heavily. Lets have a look at the medical pros and cons...

  • intelligent virtualization tech
    From Polarization to Open Learning: How Technology Can Help Us Beyond COVID-19

    COVID-19 was something many of us watched from afar and then came into our lives like a tidal wave. Suddenly our world was flipped upside down and we were faced with decisions and actions we never anticipated needing to take. This shift has required us to look beyond our borders...

  • J5Create USB-C docking station
    Product Reviews
    J5Create USB-C™ Triple Display Docking Station with 90W PD Adapter: The Hub of Choice

    It's a common sight in companies and home offices to see tech set-ups with more than one peripheral. Some people have at least two, while others work with three screens. Connecting everything altogether can soon become a logistical challenge. To respond to this need, many tech companies have developed docking...

  • company image
    9 Ways to Refresh Your Company’s Image Without Spending a Fortune

    If you run a business, then you know that it's not always smooth sailing. Your customers may not be responding to your offer as positively as they once did or your "high-seasons" are few and far between. Here are nine ways to refresh your company's image without spending a fortune....

  • Featured
    Galaxy Note 9 Android 10 update breaks cover in the UK

    Samsung Galaxy Note 9 users in the UK can finally let out a sigh of relief as the Android 10 software update is now LIVE. Eager tech users have been waiting for months for the firmware update to hit the shores of the UK and this morning it finally did....

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