Results for "8"

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  • Web
    GData API for Google Base released

    Google's just announced a potentially significant update to its Google Base product, by releasing a data API for it. This essentially means Google is opening up Google Base, their database of structured content and home for many different verticals currently (jobs, vehicles, classified). The official blog post states:"We're excited to...

  • Web
    Web Platform Primer – what’s available via API?

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus.The Web computing platform today encompasses a wide range of functions, a lot of which are accessible via APIs (Application Programming Interface). From the relatively simple bookmarking service, to more complex functionality like Amazon S3's complete virtualization of data storage -...

  • Web
    TBL Podcast, Mobile News, and 2 tickets to Future of Web Apps to give away

    IBM has a podcast with Tim Berners-Lee. In a conversation with Scott Laningham of IBM developerWorks, Sir Tim discusses his early history with the Web, opportunities and challenges of the present, emerging technologies, and of course the semantic web. Reading news on your mobile device - Another Web inventor, Dave...

  • Web
    Ex-Googler starts Webwag, new personalized start page

    Webwag is a new personalized start page set to be released at the end of this month. According to, it's the latest creation of ex-Google France chief Franck Poisson - who says it "will move out of beta on August 28" and be officially announced in early September. More...

  • Web
    Windows Live Contacts Beta Launched

    Today George Moore, GM of Windows Live, announced the Windows Live Contacts Gadget beta at the Microsoft TechEd 2006 conference, in Auckland New Zealand (I'm here at the conference courtesy of Microsoft NZ). Live Contacts provides programmatic access to a user's contact list, providing secure access to 400+ M active...

  • Web
    TradeMe: Big Fish In A Small Pond

    68% of New Zealand's Internet traffic is to online auction site TradeMe, CEO Sam Morgan and Development Manager Rowan Simpson told me when I visited their Wellington office last Thursday. TradeMe is New Zealand's version of eBay, even down to the color scheme. But it's more than just an auction...

  • Web
    Internet Explorer Not A Monster Anymore

    This week I interviewed Microsoft's Chris Wilson, the Group Program Manager for IE, to address the issue of Web standards compliance and IE7. There has been controversy about this lately, sparked by a Slashdot thread last week that claimed IE7 was basically non-compliant with CSS standards. I then repeated those...

  • Web
    Web Email Market: An Overview has just released the fourth generation of its Web Email platform, replacing its legacy software with an AJAX framework. They're promising their users "a markedly faster, better performing experience" with its new Ajax version. provides email hosting services to more than 23,000 small-medium businesses and is one of...

  • Social
    Social Software dominates the tech news

    This week there has been a slew of news about social networks and big companies ramping up their social software features. Here's a quick summary of the latest news and some thoughts below.Apple Making Huge Social Software Push - Josh Porter digs into Apple releases to find a Wiki Server,...

  • Web
    The Underground World of Private P2P Networks

    While the pros and cons of P2P networks on the Web are still being debated, there are a number of private invite-only P2P networks (aka darknets) out there which enable users to get quality-approved media and software. They are decentralized, secret and almost certainly not very legal in their media-sharing...

  • Web
    CPA – The Holy Grail of Online Advertising?

    Written by Ebrahim Ezzy and edited by Richard MacManus. Ebrahim is lead developer of search product Qube andauthored the Search 2.0 series, which featured recently on Read/WriteWeb.This article explores the new online advertising model of CPA (Cost per Action/Acquisition) and determines whether it will be The Next Big Thing on...

  • Web
    Cultural Misunderstandings on the Web

    I'm really enjoying writing my series on international Web apps and I've gotten some great feedback that others are enjoying it too. The previous post about Russian Web apps has gotten the most interest so far, including from some people in Russia who took issue with it. The comments on...

  • Web
    Social Networks gaining on Internet portals

    US Web stats company Compete has some interesting analysis on how Social Networking sites compare to portals. From a sample size of around 2 million US people, Compete concludes that social networking sites are quickly approaching the traffic level of the big portals like Google and Yahoo. Their key findings:1....

  • Web
    Future of Browsers: Interview with Flock’s Geoffrey Arone

    Today I interviewed Geoffrey Arone, the co-founder of social Web browser Flock recently released its official beta, which they call version 0.7. They're currently positioning their product as a mainstream browser which enables people to share and create online. Flock is specifically targeting people who use social networking media...

  • Web
    Podcast Interview with Sun’s Tim Bray and Radia Perlman

    Last night I published the first part of my interview with two senior Sun Microsystems engineers, Tim Bray (Director of Web Technologies) and Radia Perlman (Distinguished Engineer). The interview was to celebrate the 15th birthday of the Web this week.Several commenters on the Slashdot thread about my post said they'd...

  • Web
    Interview with Sun’s Tim Bray and Radia Perlman – Part 1: Web history and future, P2P

    To celebrate the 15th anniversary of the World Wide Web, today I interviewed two distinguished people from Sun Microsystems - Tim Bray (Director of Web Technologies) and Radia Perlman (Distinguished Engineer). Sun of course was one of the key Web companies from the 90's and is still going strong today,...

  • Web
    Top Web 2.0 Apps in Russia

    Next in my series on top Web apps in international markets is Russia. To remind you of the previous countries profiled: Germany, Holland, Poland, Korea and United Kingdom. Other country profiles coming soon include Spain, Turkey, Australia, New Zealand (if I can rustle up enough web apps from the NZ2.0...

  • Web
    e-learning 2.0 – how Web technologies are shaping education

    Written by Steve O'Hear and edited by Richard MacManus. This is a two-part series in which Steve will explore how Web technologies are being used in education. In Part 2 he will profile Elgg, social network software for education, and interview its founders. Much has been written on Read/WriteWeb (and...

  • Web
    Web 2.0: The Documentary

    While I've been busy profiling international "web 2.0" startups and products, Techcrunch has put together a video documentary that explores web 2.0 in Silicon Valley. This seems to be aimed at mainstream business people, telling them what this web 2.0 thing is all about - and positioning the Techcrunch brand...

  • Web
    Search 2.0 vs Google’s Goliath

    The Animas Weblog has written a couple of interesting posts in response to Ebrahim Ezzy's Search 2.0 posts, featured on Read/WriteWeb recently (part 1 and part 2). In the first post, Animas frames his argument as a David vs Goliath struggle (the search 2.0 startups being, of course, David).Original imageHowever...

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