Results for "8"

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  • Web
    eSnips: Chat with Yael Elish, founder and CEO

    eSnips, an online sharing community, was launched last week at DEMOfall. Founder and CEO Yael Elish gave a great presentation - which you can now see in the DEMO video archive. We had a chance to chat with Yael via email:Alex: What is your company about?Yael: The company is about...

  • Social
    Social Networking: Time For A Silver Bullet

    Written by Ebrahim Ezzy and edited by Richard MacManus. Note: there is also a poll at end of this post, which we invite you to participate in.MySpace is booming in popularity; Facebook is gracing the headlines again; Bebo is growing incredibly; Triberelaunched; Cyworld, Hive7 and SecondLife are nothing short of...

  • Web
    Orkut + Dodgeball: Why Google Will Merge Them

    I've been hearing whispers that Google will integrate their social network Orkut with the mobile social networking app they acquired last year, Dodgeball. While it's not rocket science to make the connection between the two products (both are social networking), the reasons to join the two are becoming more compelling......

  • Social
    Digg Black Market

    I guess this is a sign of the times - a site dedicated to gaming digg, called User/Submitter. But there's no reason such a site couldn't exist for, or stumbleupon, or netscape - or any site that relies on voting. Needless to say, I hope this site gets squashed...

  • Web
    Watch Out Google, Vertical Search Is Ramping Up!

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus.This week at DEMOfall I saw two vertical search applications that made me think that this area is getting mature and ready for prime time. Pluggd and Retrevo launched technologies that are not only good at finding podcasts and consumer electronics (respectively)...

  • Web
    New-look Google Reader Is Stunning!

    Google Reader, Google's web-based RSS Aggregator, has had a re-design and I am impressed. It now has a look n' feel very much like Gmail, which I believe is a pointer to this product being prepped for mainstream promotion - and/or merged with Gmail. Probably a bit of both, as...

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    Google Office: a Micro Media bulletin

    Back in June I spoke about the corporate blogging project that I co-run with The Rights Marketing Company. Called Micro Media Corp, it's a corporate blogging and podcasting program that aims to give business people insights into the Web 2.0 and New Media worlds. Our first major customer is British...

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    The Future of the Internet (sounds like my favorite sci fi books and movies)

    Pew has released its analysis of how the Internet will evolve over the next 14 or so years (2020). I'm inclined to agree with Om Malik that the conclusions about the technology are rather obvious: "a global, low-cost network will be thriving in 2020", which will bring about a "'flattening'...

  • Social
    In Search Of The Valley: DVD movie released today

    A new documentary on Silicon Valley premieres today on DVD. It was directed by my friend Steve O'Hear, who I met over the Web earlier this year and now work with on my corporate blogging project called Micro Media Corp. 'In Search of the Valley' is a movie which tells...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up

    Another busy week of Web Tech news and analysis. Here is what we covered on Read/WriteWeb during the week (number of comments in brackets)...OneWebDay: In Celebration Of The Web (2) - looks like this didn't take off in a big way, judging by the lack of blogosphere love for it....

  • Web
    Googleyness: Inside The Google System

    For some great weekend reading, check out this Fortune magazine article that gets inside the great Google brain. Some extracts that I enjoyed..."What emerges from months of interviews with employees ranging from fresh-out-of-college hires to the CEO is that Google firmly believes it has a framework for figuring out the...

  • Web
    OneWebDay: In Celebration Of The Web

    Today is the first OneWebDay, a global awareness event to "create, maintain, advance and promote a global day to celebrate online life." It was founded by Susan Crawford, associate professor at the Cardozo School of Law in New York City. Some big Web names have been lined up in support...

  • Web
    Business Web Desktop From

    We've seen a lot of action in the 'personalized start page' space on the consumer side, but relatively little development in business web 'start pages'. has an interesting feature in its upcoming Winter '07 release that may change that. Called the Business Web Desktop, it's basically an Ajax-powered web...

  • Social
    The Social Networking Faceoff

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus.With all this buzz around the potential Yahoo! acqusition of Facebook for $1Billion, we think it's time to do the social networking faceoff.Arguably of all services in the new social era, the social network sites hold most promise. The reason for this...

  • Web
    Microsoft Plans Web-based Works Suite – Including Word Processing And Spreadsheets

    In the clearest sign yet that the big guns are preparing to step up the battle for Web Office, Microsoft has said it is considering releasing a version of Microsoft Works (the poor cousin of Microsoft Office) as a web suite. The desktop version of Works retails for $50 and...

  • Web
    Breaking News: Facebook in talks with Yahoo for rumored $1B deal

    The WSJ is reporting that US Social Networking site Facebook is in serious talks to sell itself to Yahoo, for an amount that may be as high as $1 billion. According to the WSJ, this is a return to the acquisition talks which Facebook has held over the past year...

  • Web
    Top Web Apps in Japan

    Next in our series on international Web markets is Japan. The information for this post was provided by Benjamin Joffe (CEO of Plus Eight Star Ltd) and Masashi Kobayashi (partner of Globis Capital Partners - one of the largest Venture Capital firms in Japan). We start off with an overview...

  • Social
    The Social Bookmarking Faceoff

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus.The social bookmarking market is in a steady state with two dominant players - and StumbleUpon. The rest of the pack, including Yahoo MyWeb, appears to be substantially behind. Will they catch up? In this post we attempt to answer that...

  • Web
    France Web Market Overview

    Next in our series on international Web markets is France. Other countries profiled so far have been Germany, Holland, Poland, Korea, United Kingdom, Russia, Spain, China, Turkey, Italy and Brazil. France has the 9th highest number of Internet users in the world, with 26.8 million. It has an Internet penetration...

  • Web
    Can Google China compete with Baidu?

    Interesting NY Times profile of Baidu, China's main search engine and currently the 4th biggest website in the world. It has a market value of $3 billion, but "some analysts" question whether Baidu can keep out competition from Google and Yahoo:"While Baidu continues to gain market share in China —...

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