Results for "7"

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    BlogRovr Fetches Content From Your Favorite Blogs

    BlogRovr is an interesting new way of getting blog information, on the go while you're surfing the Web. It is a download plugin for Firefox 2.0, which works cross-platform on Windows, Mac and Linux. There's no IE plugin for now, but support for IE6 and IE7 is coming soon (a...

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    P2P: Introduction and Real World Applications

    Written by Can Erten and edited by Richard MacManus. This is the first in a 2-part series on Read/WriteWeb, exploring the world of P2P on the Web. Part 1 (this post) is a general introduction to P2P, along with some real-world applications of P2P. Part 2 will discuss future applications....

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    Top Irish Web Apps

    Continuing Read/WriteWeb's series on international web apps, I bring you a sample of all that the emerald isle has to offer. 20 years ago Ireland was a sleepy backwater with high unemployment and mass emigration. Jobs were rare and the only new startups were farms. But all of that changed...

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    ETech: Mozilla Manifesto And Its Impact On Major Web Players

    Mike Shaver from the Mozilla foundation is here at ETech talking about the Mozilla Manifesto. Traditionally, a manifesto on an organization's web site says what they stands for. These declarations are not necessary or typical, but are often made to emphasize the values that an organization believes in. It is...

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    ETech: Cool Stuff From Microsoft Live Labs

    Microsoft Labs gave a talk today on the latest projects going on in Microsoft that focus on web innovation. The projects presented, as well as other explorations, can be found at - Enhanced Browsing on Mobile DevicesDeepfish is Microsoft's intelligent web browsing technology for mobile devices. It renders mobile...

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    Yahoo Mail API Launched

    The Yahoo Mail news is coming thick and fast this week. Yesterday they announced that Yahoo Mail now has free unlimited email storage space, and today Yahoo has announced an API for Yahoo Mail. Earlier today I spoke with Chad Dickerson, Head of Yahoo! Developer Network, and John Kremer, VP...

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    Adobe Apollo – On A Collision Course With Web Browsers

    Alex Iskold is reporting live from ETech 2007 The Apollo team from Adobe is here at ETech, presenting the Alpha version of their new runtime environment - which is aimed at empowering web developers to create desktop applications. Apollo is a lightweight virtual machine that runs on the desktop and...

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    Trampoline: Harnessing Social Behavior in the Enterprise

    I wrote a piece back in January called IBM’s Entry Into Social Networking, where I discussed the potential for applying web 2.0 techniques in the enterprise. Subsequently, I have written extensively about Enterprise 3.0 and the Extended Enterprise trends. A company from England contacted me after reading the IBM piece....

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    ETech: Amazon CTO Werner Vogels on Building Web-Scale Computing

    Alex Iskold is reporting live from ETech 2007Werner Vogels, VP and CTO of, took the ETech stage to discuss the challenges in building a large-scale, reliable web infrastructure. Amazon spent a decade and a whopping $2 billion dollars to build the world class technology that powers their web sites....

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    A Glitch in the Web Office Matrix

    "Server ErrorWe're sorry, but Gmail is temporarily unavailable. We're currently working to fix the problem -- please try logging in to your account in a few minutes."And 1 hour later..."Server ErrorWe're sorry, but Gmail is temporarily unavailable. We're currently working to fix the problem -- please try logging in to...

  • Web – Broadcast TV for Web Era launched a revamped website today. As well as a new look, it has doubled the resolution of its flagship 24/7 television broadcast stream, added social networking capabilities, and more. is an interesting blend of online video/music and a traditional TV network - only with a niche audience. It...

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    Poll: What web apps would you like to see with offline access?

    The hot topic today is offline web apps, with Zimbra having just released an offline version of its web collaboration suite. As Dan Farber noted, Zoho and ThinkFree are two other Web Office vendors to have either released offline access or have plans to. Also Stan at franticindustries has a...

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    Thanks Read/WriteWeb Sponsors

    I hope you'll indulge me in thanking Read/WriteWeb's excellent sponsors, for supporting quality content on Web Technology. Thanks also to R/WW's super-smart authors and our community of readers, which continues to grow at a great rate! If you would like to explore sponsorship opportunities with Read/WriteWeb, one of the top 50...

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    Poll: *Really* Alt Search Engines

    Charles Knight, Read/WriteWeb's search engine authority, has provided another list of weird search engines. We're interested in getting your opinion on this, as a bit of weekend geeky fun. So which one of these 10 really alt search engines do you think is the silliest/funniest/oddest? Here is the list, with the...

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    Hakia Takes On Google With Semantic Technologies

    This week I spoke to Hakia founder and CEO Dr. Riza C. Berkan and COO Melek Pulatkonak. Hakia is one of the more promising Alt Search Engines around, with a focus on natural language processing methods to try and deliver 'meaningful' search results. Alex Iskold profiled Hakia for R/WW at...

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    Big Internet Companies (Except Google) Brought Into Line – Thoughts on News Corp/NBC Online Video Deal

    The big news today is News Corporation and NBC Universal launching what they claim will be "the largest Internet video distribution network ever assembled", with AOL, MSN, MySpace and Yahoo! as the site’s initial distribution partners. It will launch this summer (US). The benefits obviously work both ways - News...

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    Google’s CPA Move: Will Microsoft & Yahoo Have To Buy Their Way Into CPA Game?

    One of the big pieces of news this week was Google announcing their CPA (Cost-Per-Action) product, or as they're calling it - PPA (Pay-Per-Action). There are good analysis posts about the news from Techcrunch and Microsoft's Don Dodge. It's been expected for some time now that Google will move into...

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    Crowdsourcing: A Million Heads is Better than One

    The "wisdom of crowds" is a popular web 2.0 buzzword, popularized by James Surowiecki’s book of the same name. At its most basic, the term means that two heads are better than one, and that still more heads will yield even better results.The wisdom of crowds is all around us...

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    How To Market Your Web App

    So after 1 year of fund-raising, planning and development, your shiny new beta web app is finally ready... and now you think it's marketing time. You want to reach thousands of users as quickly as possible. Aha, you think, the cheapest and shortest path is viral marketing - via blogs...

  • Web
    Current Mashup and API Trends

    Web 2.0 has brought us a flock of APIs and the wonderful new concept of a Web mashup. Thanks to apps like Google Maps, and Flickr, we have started to think a lot about remixing the web. In the figure below is a classic example of a mashup -...

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