Results for "7"

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    Friday Fun: Weird Search Engines

    While the serious talk today is about Freebase, a new next-gen search engine from Danny Hillis, it's the end of the week and so time for a bit of fun. Author of the popular Top Alternative Search Engines list, Charles Knight, flicked me an email this morning with an example...

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    Technorati 100: What’s Hot in the Blogosphere

    Earlier this week Emre wrote about declining traffic on Technorati and considered the exit options for this blog vertical search and portal site. The challenge from Google Blogsearch is certainly serious. It is difficult to compete with Google on speed and breadth of the results. But Technorati is more than...

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    ShoppingPath’s Unique Product Comparison UI is launching the beta version of its shopping comparison service. A preview of the ShoppingPath technology is located (for some reason) at the domain What caught my eye was its unique, ipod-like, product comparison UI. It's a mix of Ajax and Flash and is quite interesting... maybe even...

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    Ex-My Yahoo Boss, Now Pageflakes CEO, Responds to My Yahoo Beta

    I wondered how long it would take before Pageflakes responded to the new-look My Yahoo beta, given that the sharing and 'pages' features in My Yahoo beta are very similar to what Pageflakes has already done. Sure enough, the following quote by new Pageflakes CEO Dan Cohen was just emailed...

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    Rearden Commerce Shows The Way For Contextual Services

    I have written a few framework articles recently, defining Web 3.0 and Enterprise 3.0. I also wrote a piece towards the end of 2005, called What is this Sea Change? In this article, I am going to start coverage on a very interesting company called Rearden Commerce, which touches upon...

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    Amazon’s Series of Fortunate Events

    Way back when I was in high school I found myself in a high school science class. It was your typical experience, replete with bunsen burners, saftey goggles and a science teacher named Norbert. But one day Norbert had an inspriation - he let the class watch a video of...

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    TVNZ ondemand Being Positioned as “Third Channel”

    Today I was invited to TVNZ's headquarters in Auckland, along with several other local bloggers, to check out their new web-based television on demand service - called TVNZ ondemand and due to be launched later this month. It will have a mix of free (ad supported) and premium content; the...

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    Internet Killed The Television Star: Reviews of Joost, Babelgum, Zattoo, and More

    Television is big business. No, let's not understate it: television is very big business. The global broadcast and cable television industry generates billions of dollars worldwide annually from subscription, equipment, advertising, and service fees; and is dominated by huge media conglomerates like General Electric, Viacom, News Corp., and Disney. The...

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    Segala Wants To Be The VeriSign Of Web Trust

    Segala is a specialist in web accessibility, mobile testing, mobile web testing and certification. Based in Dublin and privately owned, Segala provides a range of services to help you better understand what problems your website and mobile applications might have in terms of accessibility. Let's take a look at their...

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    My.Netscape Being Re-Born as Web 2.0 Personalized Homepage

    Not content with re-making the portal into a Digg clone, the Netscape 2.0 crew are at it again - this time with a new version of My.Netscape. Tomorrow (Tuesday US time) it will release "a Beta of the next generation My.Netscape". The Netscape blog states:"My.Netscape will retain its identity...

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    ClearSpring Gets $5.5M from AOL Founders

    Red Herring is reporting that AOL founders Steve Case and Ted Leonsis have invested $5.5-million, as a second round investment, into widget syndication platform Clearspring. Alex profiled ClearSpring back in November and other widget platforms we've covered before on Read/WriteWeb include Snipperoo, Widgetbox, Fox's SpringWidgets and MuseStorm.In a recent post,...

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    Technorati’s Opportunities and Exit Options

    About 2 months ago, HitWise published a report stating that Technorati, the leading blog search company, had for the first time fallen behind Google BlogSearch in traffic. The reason was Google's new strategy of pushing Google BlogSearch on the Google News homepage. A quite unfair competition for Technorati, but this...

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    IBM’s Many Eyes App After One Month

    This is a guest post written by two of the researchers behind IBM's Many Eyes app, Martin Wattenberg and Fernanda B. Viégas. R/WW profiled Many Eyes, a "shared visualization and discovery" service, back in January. Many Eyes has been running for a month now, so in this post Martin and...

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    Poll: Should a newspaper be a social network?

    The title of this week's poll is taken straight from Matthew Ingram's post about USA Today's re-design. The new-look USA Today incorporates many of the social networking features that have become popular over the last year or so. Or as the editor of USA Today put it: "the real change...

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    California Home to Quarter of Top 100 Alt Search Engines

    The Library House blog has done a geographic analysis of Charles Knight's Top 100 Alternative Search Engines list. After a bit of Web research, Library House was able to find out where 94 of the 100 search engines in our list are located. The result is that the US, and...

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    Internet Portals Jump Into Bed With Media, Telecoms

    In New Zealand this week, two new Web portals were announced: Yahoo!Xtra and the launch of on 1 March 2007. The background, briefly, is that both of these new portals take over from previous market leader site "XtraMSN". Essentially what has happened in the NZ market is that Xtra...

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    Adobe Engage – How Will Apollo Impact Mainstream Users?

    Written by Jay Fortner and edited by Richard MacManus. Jay was Read/WriteWeb's representative at the Adobe Engage event, held yesterday in San Francisco. After attending Adobe’s Engage event, where Adobe peeled the covers off Apollo, I began to wonder how compelling this offering is for the mainstream user; and what...

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    Software For Virtual Teams

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManusIt's 2007 and no longer do startup employees, or even those of medium-size and large companies, need to be located in the same place. Instead, more and more companies are going virtual. The answer to long commutes, inner city traffic, tapping into...

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    Adobe Peels Covers Off Apollo

    Today Adobe is holding an event called Engage, where it is explaining its Apollo web development platform for tech bloggers, developers and others in the Web industry. John Dowdell from Adobe has a useful page of links. The coverage is quite diverse, from Tim O'Reilly commenting on the user experience...

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    Microsoft Acquires Health Search Engine, Medstory – The Continued Rise of Vertical Search

    Microsoft has acquiredMedstory, a vertical search engine for health information. This is an interesting development in a few ways - but in terms of Web tech trends, because it's another sign of the rise of vertical search engines. We've written before about how VSE such as Retrevo are beginning to...

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