Results for "7"

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    Weird Search Engines II: Beam Me Up, Scotty

    Last Friday we posted about weird search engines. We got some good comments and found some new weird search engines to add to our list. Note that we mean weird in a good way - as in something a bit different.To remind you, here are the original 'weird' search

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    Video PageRank: Google Searches for The Holy Grail

    In yesterday's interview with Matt Cutts from Google, on the topic of next-generation search, we touched on how Google is tackling the issue of indexing (and advertising around) online video. Matt implied that Google is looking for an equivalent to PageRank for online video:" the Web we have this notion...

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    Yahoo! Personal Finance: A for Content, B for Personalization

    Yahoo! launched its Personal Finance site earlier this year, on January 19, 2007. In this piece, we will analyze the site based on my Web 3.0 framework. Yahoo Personal Finance is a part of Yahoo! Finance and has nine sub-categories. The site provides financial information, tools, and advice on personal financial...

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    SXSW: Why Marketers Need To Work With People Media

    This is the final post from SXSW, by Sean Ammirati of mSpoke. I'd like to thank Sean for the excellent coverage of SXSW! Also, a disclaimer for this post: FM Publishing is the main topic in the post and Read/WriteWeb is a part of this advertising network. Yesterday I attended...

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    Spanning Sync v1.0 Launches – Apple, Google Sync

    Spanning Sync v1.0, an application that provides two-way synchronization between Google Calendar and Apple iCal, has launched after seven months of development - including a four-month beta period. As The Unofficial Apple Weblog noted, Spanning Sync also syncs between multiple Macs and Google Calendar accounts, with iSync-compatible devices like iPods...

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    blinkx Launches Video Search Engine Optimization Wiki & Guidelines

    In Read/WriteWeb's interview with Matt Cutts of Google today, on the topic of next-generation search, the very last question I asked him was how Google is going about indexing video. It's a big question, because with YouTube and other online video sites seemingly taking over the Web (as far as...

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    Interview with Google’s Matt Cutts about Next-Generation Search

    Last week I had the pleasure of interviewing the head of Google's Webspam team, Matt Cutts. The topic of our conversation was Next-Generation Search. In my pitch to get an interview with someone at Google, I explained how Read/WriteWeb hasbeencoveringNext-Gensearcha lot and so it would (obviously) be great to get...

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    Improving Online Communities: MyBlogLog, Explode, OthersOnline

    Online community, or for that matter any community, is built upon the shared experiences of its participants. In the real world, people in a community typically interact with each other by gathering at same physical location, at the same time. In online communities, it is easy for users to interact...

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    SXSW: Scaling Your Community

    Sean Ammirati of mSpoke is at SXSW in Austin, TX (USA). He is reporting for Read/WriteWeb throughout the event. This morning I attended a presentation by Matt Mullenweg, the Founder of WordPress, on 'Scaling Your Community.' Matt started by defining scaling your community as "being as useful to the last...

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    Read/WriteWeb Job Board Combined with VentureBeat, Alarm:Clock

    The Read/WriteWeb Job Board has now been combined with the Job Boards at two popular Web Business blogs, VentureBeat and Alarm:Clock. This means that when you post a job to the R/WW Job Board, it now displays on VentureBeat and Alarm:Clock as well as Read/WriteWeb. I'm not sure what numbers...

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    SXSW: The Figures Behind The Top Web Apps

    Sean Ammirati of mSpoke is at SXSW in Austin, TX (USA). He is reporting for Read/WriteWeb throughout the event. On Saturday we covered an SXSW panel called Web App Autopsy, which examined four live web applications (RegOnline, FeedBurner, Wufoo, and Blinksale) for things like conversion rates and revenue per customer....

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    Imagini Spikes After Being Dugg – Will It Last?

    At the end of January we wrote about a new service called Imagini Friends, which is a social network that calculates your "VisualDNA" and uses it to find other people that match. At the time, it reminded me of the personality tests you find in magazines like Vogue. Well it...

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    Alt Search Engine Market Share Mashup

    The mashups of our Top Alternative Search Engines list continue! Charles Knight spotted a great post by the Search The Web 2.0 blog, which took the top 100 and attempted to rank them by market share. The reason for this ambitious undertaking was a comment that Charles made when we...

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    SXSW: Sunday Keynote – Open Source Hardware

    Sean Ammirati of mSpoke is at SXSW in Austin, TX (USA). He is reporting for Read/WriteWeb throughout the event. Today's keynote was a conversation between Limor Fried of Adafruit Industries and Phillip Torrone, the senior editor of MAKE magazine. In the conversation, they discussed a new movement called 'Open Source...

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    SXSW: Using RSS for Marketing

    Sean Ammirati of mSpoke is at SXSW in Austin, TX (USA). He is reporting for Read/WriteWeb throughout the event. This morning, I attended a panel titled "Using RSS for Marketing". The panel had a great set of participants including: Tom Markiewicz CEO, EvolvePoint (moderator); Emily Chang Co-founder, Ideacodes; Bill Flitter...

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    Linguistic Analysis of Top 100 Alt Search Engines

    The mashups of our Top 100 Alternative Search Engines list continue! The Name Inspector, a fun and interesting blog run by a PhD in Linguistics, has done a linguistic analysis of the 100 search engine names on the list. His conclusion is that "the search for search engine names has...

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    SXSW: Web 2.0, Semantic Web & Scientific Publishing

    Sean Ammirati of mSpoke is at SXSW in Austin, TX (USA). He is reporting for Read/WriteWeb throughout the event. The last panel I attended on the first day of SXSW was entitled "Web 2.0 and Semantic Web: The Impact on Scientific Publishing". The panel was moderated by John Wilbanks from...

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    SXSW: Under 18 Blogs, Wikis & Social Networks

    Sean Ammirati of mSpoke is at SXSW in Austin, TX (USA). He is reporting for Read/WriteWeb throughout the event. After attending a panel on collaboration earlier this morning, I attended the panel "Under 18: Blogs, Wikis and Online Social Networks for Youth". The moderator was: Andrea Forte of the Georgia...

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    SXSW: Web App Autopsy

    Sean Ammirati of mSpoke is at SXSW in Austin, TX (USA). He is reporting for Read/WriteWeb throughout the event. This afternoon I attended an amazing panel titled "Web App Autopsy". This was one of the panels I was most excited about when I was getting ready to come to Austin.The...

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    SXSW: World Domination via Collaboration

    Sean Ammirati of mSpoke is at SXSW in Austin, TX (USA). He is reporting for Read/WriteWeb throughout the event. The SXSW conference has multiple panels going on at the same time. I started my SXSW experience by attending the "World Domination Via Collaboration" panel. The presenters were: Jory Des Jardins...

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