Results for "7"

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  • Web
    OpenID at Web 2.0 Expo

    There were two sessions today on User-Centric identity at Web 2.0 Expo. I attended the first one etitled “Implementing OpenID”, which was conducted by David Recordon of Verisign and Brian Ellin of JanRain. The session was well attended and it was surprising to see that more than 50% (according to...

  • Web
    Bungee Labs – Next Generation Web Development Platform

    Yesterday in the Web 2.0 Expo booths, I checked out Bungee Labs - an ambitious new on-demand, web-based development environment that enables developers to build and deploy web apps that utilize the large variety of APIs and web services out on the Internet. The platform is very broad, but if...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Expo: Data on Participatory Web

    Bill Tancer from Hitwise and Dafe Sifry from Technorati are on stage now, discussing data about the participatory web. The first slide from Bill shows a 668% growth in web 2.0 over the last year, based on the top participatory sites combined (in US), like Wikipedia, YouTube, etc. The next...

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    News Bytes: Techcrunch20, Netvibes/Pageflakes, Expo Thoughts

    While I've been doing the conference equivalent of a headless chicken (running about, trying to remember who I'm supposed to meet next and where), the following bits of news have come out:Techcrunch20Mike Arrington announced his new conference with Jason Calacanis, Techcrunch20. The format is twenty new startups from around the...

  • Web
    Poll: Is Eric Schmidt Kidding Or What?

    Today at Web 2.0 Expo Google CEO Eric Schmidt publicly announced that Google will add a presentations product to its Web Office range of apps, thus completing a Web Office suite and ending (many) months of speculation. It was soon confirmed by the official Google blog, where the Google Docs...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Expo Keynote: Amazon’s Web Scale Computing Platform

    The keynote speeches kicked off at the Expo this afternoon. Tim O'Reilly started out by describing the latest thinking about Web 2.0. Dan Farber nicely summarized it in this post, quoting O'Reilly as saying: "It's about building the global computing network and harnessing all the collective intelligence of all the...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Expo – Hybrid Design

    The Web 2.0 Expo conference in San Francisco officially kicked off yesterday, with some workshops. The first impression I got when I walked into the conference venue was how large the event is - a perception confirmed when I bumped into Anil Dash later that day, who remarked that it...

  • Web
    Microsoft Silverlight Takes On Adobe’s Flash

    Today at the 2007 National Association of Broadcasters conference (NAB2007), Microsoft and Adobe have gone tit for tat with product launches that directly target one another. Our previous post covered Adobe's launch of a new Internet video solution, that competes with Microsoft's Windows Media Player. And Microsoft has fired right...

  • Web
    Adobe Feeds Apollo Ecosystem With New Internet Video Player

    Today Adobe announced the launch of the Adobe Media Player, a desktop app that enables consumers to view high quality video whether they are online or offline. It is also designed for content owners to distribute, track and monetize their video. Built on their Apollo framework, the Adobe Media Player...

  • Web
    Google to Acquire DoubleClick For $3.1 Billion In Cash

    In a move predicted by R/WW's Sean Ammirati and The New York Times a week or so ago, one of the big Internet companies has acquired online advertising system DoubleClick. And the buyer is none other than Web 2.0's big spender, Google! According to the press release just out:"The acquisition...

  • Web
    Poll: Revenge of the Weird Search Engines!

    In observance of Friday the 13th, I've put together a 'Revenge of the Weird Search Engines' poll. Check them out and vote for your favorite!1) Ghostly Gateway2) UFO Crawler3) Ujiko4) Talk Backwards5) Tin Finger6) Patriot Search7) Time Search8) Good Luck Finder9) Adverlicio.us10) Quotiki

  • Web
    What Does Google Think You Look Like?

    This morning someone emailed me and asked me to send them a headshot for my bio. I went to Google image search and typed in alex iskold. The results that I got were a mix of photos of me, my diagrams, as well as photos and pictures of people and...

  • Web
    Web 2.0’s Future All Depends On IT’s Future

    Reports from Forrester and The Leading Edge Forum serve as bookends portending either to a bubble bursting, or the next golden era. Who's right? We will find out, but technology will have little to do with deciding the winner.Two reports have been released by major big business think tanks in...

  • Web
    Sneak Peek At Unisfair – Corporate Events Go Virtual!

    Written by Nitin Karandikar What do you get when you combine WebEx with Second Life, with a dash of LinkedIn thrown in?The answer might very well be a new product that will be unveiled by Unisfair at the Web 2.0 Expo conference next week, called Virtual Events for Enterprise (that's...

  • Web
    eProject – Eyeing With Dynamic App Development

    Recently I interviewedeProject, an on-demand Project Management company. More than 100,000 users at 650 companies currently use eProject’s solutions. They run the gamut from Fortune 500 companies to medium-sized fast growing organizations.The product is used across industries, but has some sweet spots of adoption in highly regulated industries such as...

  • Mobile
    Properazzi Launches WidSets Collaboration With Nokia

    Properazzi is a property search engine, based in Barcelona, Spain. The service only launched in March 2007, but already it claims to have the largest database of property listings in Europe - 1.8 million property listings in 45 countries, in multiple languages and currencies. The company is funded by Mangrove...

  • Web
    The Talking Search Engines: A Conversation with HAL

    "Good Morning, HAL.""Good Morning, Charles.""You were out pretty late last night, HAL.""I went to a party.""Oh.  Who was there? Any bots that I know?""Just friends; the usual chatterbots.""Was SHE there?""Who?""Oh come on, HAL, you know who I mean.  Was Ms. Dewey there?""Yes. She was with some bot.""Who?""OLIVER somebody." "You know she's...

  • Web
    Define Web 3.0 Contest – Winners of Web 2.0 Expo Tickets

    Last week we ran a contest giving away 3 tickets to the Web 2.0 Expo conference in San Francisco next week, worth $1,500 each. To enter, all you had to do was define Web 3.0. We got a lot of awesome definitions and it was extremely tough to pick out...

  • Web
    Martha Stewart 2.0

    Martha Stewart's company today officially unveiled the latest version of its website. They are  positioning it as "the most authoritative lifestyle destination on the Internet" and it's aiming for a market of an estimated 102 million women online. I was immediately curious to look at the new site, because...

  • Web
    Google Eyeing Maxthon – Will Stoke Flames of Jealousy in Firefox

    Techcrunch is reporting that China-based web browser Maxthon has sold a minority stake to Google, rumored to be around $1 million. More importantly Techcrunch is "also hearing that this investment is part of a ‚Äúmuch larger strategic deal‚Ä? between the two companies." Maxthon is a powerful tabbed, fully customizable and...

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