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    Flickr Eats Yahoo! Photos (Not The Other Way Round)

    Yahoo! is set to announce that it will close its online photosharing website Yahoo! Photos in favor of Flickr, the web 2.0 darling that it purchased two years ago. According to web metrics firm Hitwise, Yahoo! Photos is currently the number 2 photo website on the web, behind Photobucket, which...

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    eBay’s New Services Are Chaotic – But Will They Still Be Profitable?

    Earlier this week eBay launched ToGo Widgets for any listing. These slick, Flash-based widgets can be embedded into blogs, social network profiles and in general any page that does not explicitly forbid Flash. The idea is simple - let users promote their eBay activity everywhere online. Sounds simple - and...

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    Disney’s Vista Gadget Points To Future Of Marketing Widgets

    All the buzz here at Microsoft MIX in Vegas is rightly about Silverlight, but one other impressive demo I came across was a Vista gadget (a.k.a. widget) for Disney. Entertainment and Devices Division President Robbie Bach was on the main stage yesterday, talking about marketing Microsoft's connected entertainment services. One...

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    Review Of Product Research Engine Wize – Needs Integrated User Experience

    Following my analysis of TheFind, a lifestyle shopping service, in this post I will explore Wize - product research engine. Note that I have also reviewed the business story of Wize on my personal blog. So now let's take a look at their actual product using my Web 3.0 framework.ContextThe...

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    Dapper: The Quest To Unlock Web Data (Legally)

    We have recently written here about the ongoing transformation of Web Sites into Web Services. In that post we noted that with the rise of APIs, scraping technologies and RSS, web sites are really turning into data services and collectively the web is becoming one gargantuan database. As such, the...

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    Google’s Personalization Push: iGoogle, Localization, Gadget Maker

    The announcement last night of iGoogle (the new name for Google Personalized Homepage), Gadget Maker and other localization features, shows that Google is ramping up its personalization efforts once again. Google Blogoscoped has excellent coverage from the Google Personalization Workshop, held yesterday at Mountain View for a select group of...

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    Lunch With Ray Ozzie and Scott Guthrie: Browsers,, Microsoft’s Web Strategy

    I was fortunate enough to be invited to a blogger lunch with Microsoft Chief Software Architect Ray Ozzie and General Manager of Client and Web Platform & Tools Scott Guthrie. The discussion was mostly developer focused, but right at the end I managed to get a question in about Microsoft's...

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    Amazon, VCs Woo Seattle-area Developers

    Two days after wowing Wall Street with earnings handily beating all estimates, Amazon held an event wooing local (Seattle area) web developers and venture capital firms alike. Perhaps its just a coincidence after adding US$7 billion in market capitalization the last two days, but money definitely seems to be following...

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    Listen To The News With BlueGrind

    When the people at BlueGrind say they're in beta, they mean it. The website nearly doesn't work at all. Even the 'About' and 'Contact' pages don't yet exist, so this post is going to be full of a lot of speculation. That said, however, BlueGrind is too compelling for me...

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    Travelocity: Great Content and Even Better Commerce

    We have already discussed Yahoo! Travel and TripAdvisor from a Web 3.0 perspective. Continuing our look at the online travel industry we will evaluate Travelocity next.Travelocity, launched in 1996, is an online travel agency, and is owned by Sabre Holdings. According to Nielsen//NetRatings, Travelocity is ranked number two among the...

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    Interview with Chris DiBona of Google

    A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to hear Chris DiBona, the Open Source Program Manager at Google, speak at a TiE Pittsburgh event. At the event, Chris provided an extremely insightful presentation on the state of the open source market. After the event, Chris and I exchanged emails...

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    TripAdvisor: The Web’s Strongest Travel Community

    We have been discussing the online travel industry and have covered Yahoo! Travel from a Web 3.0 perspective already. Here we take a look at the offering from online travel community behemoth TripAdvisor.TripAdvisor was founded in February 2000 and is among the world’s largest online travel communities with over 20...

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    Senduit Is An Easy Way To Send Files

    In 37Signals' ubiquitious web app design philosophy book, "Getting Real," they talk about "underdoing" your competition. "Do less than your competitors to beat them. Solve the simple problems and leave the hairy, difficult, nasty problems to everyone else. Instead of oneupping, try one-downing. Instead of outdoing, try underdoing," they write...

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    The Expansion of Social Networks

    Inventing new software for enterprises is really hard. Selling it to them is nearly impossible. For a startup to break through the thick doors of the enterprise takes years. But even when lady luck smiles on a startup, the joy is short lived. The next morning its back to the...

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    Yahoo! Travel: Heavy on Content, Light on Personalization

    Editor's Note: It might be helpful to read Sramana Mitra's Overview of the Online Travel Space prior to reading this review.In this article we will analyze the Yahoo! Travel site based on the Web 3.0 framework. The site provides information on travel destinations, best bargains on hotel and travel fares....

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    Citizendium One Month Later

    Citizendium, the Wikipedia fork (sort of) that aims to be a more credible alternative to Wikipedia, was launched into public beta on March 25th, which makes it nearly one month old. So how does it stack up to its progenitor?First some background. Citizendium was founded by Larry Sanger, a 38-year-old...

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    Video Podcasting Comes of Age with ON Networks

    Valleywag recently declared podcasting dead (or at least conceded the battle to Apple). But iPod's play video, remember, and video podcasting (or vidcasting, or vlogging -- pick your favorite term) is alive and well, and still a wide open space. Mostly when we think of online video, however, we think...

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    More Thoughts On Web 2.0 Expo

    Ed: To finish up the coverage of the Web 2.0 Expo that we provided this week, I asked some of the Read/WriteWeb writers to give us their takeaways. Graeme Thickins, Sean Ammirati and Emre Sokullu list their thoughts below...See also my own Web 2.0 Expo Wrapup.Graeme Thickins' TakeawaysWeb 2.0 Is...

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    Read/WriteWeb Turns 4

    Yesterday, 20 April, was the 4th anniversary of Read/WriteWeb's first official post (although I first tinkered with blogging in March 2002). It's amazing how much has happened in the last 4 years. A common question I get when I meet industry people is: how did you start R/WW? The short...

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    Web 2.0 Expo: Open Source Business Models

    On Monday morning I attended a panel which included two case studies from leading businesses built around open source software applications - Sugar CRM and MySQL AB. The case studies were presented by their respective CEOs, John Roberts and Marten Mickos, and focused on the business model their organizations have...

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