Results for "7"

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    Read/WriteWeb Blog Network Launches With

    I'm pleased to announce the first network blog to launch under the Read/WriteWeb banner - last100. We have more network blogs launching soon, all with the aim of leveraging Read/WriteWeb's reputation for quality news and analysis about Web technology.last100 will provide news, reviews and industry analysis on products and services...

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    Weekend Poll: Will Google Universal Search Kill Vertical Search Engines?

    As noted in the Weekly Wrapup, one of the 2 big news announcements this past week was Google rolling out "Universal Search", where they integrate search results from across their properties (news, video, etc) into the main search. (the other big news was Microsoft acquiring aQuantive). Read/WriteWeb has two analysis...

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    Get Your Own Theme at Method Music

    If you're a "Family Guy" fan like me, you might remember the episode where Peter finds a genie in a lamp and wishes for his own theme music. Well, a new website backed by the legendary frontman of the rock group "The Who", Pete Townshend, aims to instantly compose original...

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    Microsoft Gets Its Ad Network

    Yesterday, a lot of people thought Microsoft had missed out on 24/7 Real Media, a display ad network that was purchased by communications group WPP for $649 million, just a month after DoubleClick reportedly passed on Microsoft to accept a $3.1 billion acquisition from Google. Always a bridesmaid, never a...

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    Google Universal Search – is Vertical Search Space Finished?

    Back in September of last year we wrote about the rise of vertical search engines here. In that article we emphasized the superiority of vertical search over generic search, in terms of search results. We argued that knowing the semantics of the underlying domain allows a vertical search engine to...

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    YouTube Will Fight US Military Block

    On Monday, the US Department of Defense announced that a number of social networking and media sites would be blocked on its network, citing bandwidth concerns. "This is a bandwidth and network management issue. We’ve got to have the networks open to do our mission. They have to be reliable,...

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    How Does Google Universal Search Compare to Yahoo! Alpha, Ask X, Microsoft Imagine Live & Google’s Own Searchmash?

    This morning Google unveiled minor tweaks to their search UI and expanded results. The ultimate goal of Google's revamp is to unify search results across their properties to include web search, news, blogs, images, videos, etc. all in the main Google search offering. Google is calling this Universal Search and...

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    Jakob Nielsen Sounds Off About Web 2.0… Again!

    Over the past few years, web usability guru Jakob Nielsen's star has been waning. Ever since the web 2.0 trend started to become popular (around 2004 till now), Nielsen's 'keep it simple' design philosophy has failed to ignite the new generation of designers. But it's not the 'keep it simple'...

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    Stanford Turns DMCA Complaints Into Cash

    Stanford University, the birth place of Yahoo! and Google, has come up with a lucrative way to deal with DMCA complaints from the MPAA and RIAA against its students: terminate their Internet service and charge a reconnection fee. First time offenders will be charged $100, a second offense will cost...

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    Exclusive: Corel’s WordPerfect Lightning Integrates with WordPress

    WordPerfect Lightning, the beta Web/desktop hybrid "content aggregator" launched by Corel in late February, will announce tomorrow morning an integration with popular blog platform Wordpress. There will also be new features added to the product itself.Corel is best known for its set of budget office applications, such as WordPerfect, Paint...

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    The Race to Conquer Video Advertising

    Duncan Riley at TechCrunch recently wrote a series of posts on video advertising. Also our own Sean Ammirati wrote a very interesting post yesterday, calling for an open ad network to compete with Google. Duncan's most recent post profiles a new service called ScanScout, which claims to work similar to...

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    Yahoo!’s New Mission: It’s About the People

    Google's mission statement has long been "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful." Last night, Yahoo! announced their new mission, "to connect people to their passions, communities, and the world’s knowledge." While Google emphasizes the data, Yahoo! will emphasize the people (the Google also recently...

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    Amazon to Offer DRM-free MP3 Downloads

    Amazonannounced today that they will begin selling DRM-free MP3 music downloads from over 12,000 labels, the largest being EMI. EMI, of course, was the first major record label to sell music without DRM via Apple's iTunes store earlier this month."Our MP3-only strategy means all the music that customers buy on...

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    Poll Update: Mozilla, Google Favored Over Adobe, Microsoft for Web App Deployment Platforms

    We're midway through the week and this week's poll has thrown up some interesting results so far. We asked: among the big Internet companies/orgs, whose web app deployment platform do you like best? Frankly I was expecting Adobe and Microsoft to top the poll, as Apollo and Silverlight have gotten...

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    Google’s Potential Vulnerability – An Open Ad Network

    Robert Scoble recently wrote an interesting post, about FOG - Fear of Google (an acronym coined by CEO of eMarketer Geoff Ramsey). I observed this phenomenon strongly first hand at the Web 2.0 Expo and shared my thoughts on it in the R/WW post Thoughts from the Web 2.0 Expo....

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    Are Social Bookmarking Sites Better at Search than Google?

    I have long thought that social bookmarking and ranking sites like, digg, and StumbleUpon could be used to enhance current web search results. In March I argued that that StumbleUpon could easily be used for "enhancing or augmenting traditional search engine rankings." Some people, like Rand Fishkin of SEOMoz,...

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    Meebo Rooms Launched – “like a very very rich widget”

    Tonight meebo is launching Meebo Rooms, a rich media chat room product that users can put on their blogs and websites. They can be private or public chat rooms, and can feature video content from sources such as youtube and NBC. Earlier today I spoke to Seth Sternberg, CEO and...

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    ChaCha and blinkx Announce Partnership

    Today, popular search engines ChaCha and blinkx announced an exciting new partnership, to add a video search feature to ChaCha's search results. ChaCha is the human powered search engine that Alex Iskold reviewed for Read/WriteWeb in December. Note also that I rated ChaCha the #1 Search Engine of the Year...

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    Poll: Whose vision of web app deployment do you like the best?

    This week's poll is based on our current feature post, Understanding Apollo. In that post, I attempted to provide an overview of Apollo for non-developers. At the end, I looked at the high level of how the big Internet companies are deploying web apps nowadays. Here's what I wrote:It is...

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    Here Are All My Points: I’m In Like With You

    Every once in awhile a private beta comes along that is so hot, that it can literally whip people into a frenzy over the prospect of securing an invite. First it was GMail, then it was the The Venice Project (Joost), and now comes i'm in like with you, the...

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