Pictures have surfaced that are reportedly of the next Tizen smartphone, the Samsung Z3 (SM-Z300H/DD) showing it next to its smaller brother, the Samsung Z1. The Z3 will have a 5-Inch Super AMOLED display opposed to the Z1’s 4-Inch display. The software will be Tizen 2.4 and not Tizen 3.0 as reported by some sites, really wish they actually understood what the difference is!
The Samsung Z3 will release with Tizen 2.4 Operating System (OS) and will feature Tizen 2.4 OS, 1.3Ghz 64-bit quad-core processor, 5.0 Inch Super AMOLED screen, 1.5GB RAM, 8GB Internal Storage, MicroSD Support up to 64Gb, 8MP Main Camera, 5MP Front Facing Camera, 2600 mAh battery.
The Z3 will be launched in a few markets simultaneously this time round, opposed to what happened with the Z1, and the likely target markets will be India, Bangladesh, and Nepal.
Samsung Z3 certified by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG)
Samsung Z3 Makes a Stop at the FCC, Release Imminent?