Home Samsung Z3 Makes a Stop at the FCC, Release Imminent?

Samsung Z3 Makes a Stop at the FCC, Release Imminent?

Tizen Experts was the first website to break details about Samsung’s upcoming Z3 Tizen based Smartphone. Today there is more news on that story as the SM-Z300H/DD Smartphone is approved by the FCC, which means that the launch could be Imminent. There are not many details to emerge from the listing other than the model number is SM-Z300, it has Bluetooth 4.0 LE and WiFi IEEE 802.11 b/g/n connectivity.
We have previously stated that the device will have a 5-inch Super AMOLED display with a 1280 x 720 resolution, a quad-core CPU clocked at 1.3 GHz, 1.5 GB of RAM, 8 GB of storage, and a 2,600 mAh battery to power it. On the camera side of life we have a 8 MP main shooter, with a 5 MP front-facing camera, yes you people taking selfies will love it.
We don’t expect this device to make an appearance at IFA 2015, but it could possibly show up at the Tizen Developer Conference in Shenzhen, China later this month? Last month we saw the Samsung TM1 being given away to developers at the Tizen Developer Summit in Bengaluru, so a working Samsung Z3 developer giveaway is exactly what we need and will help further boost to the Tizen ecosystem.
There were also rumours that the Z3 was going to be simultaneously released in India, Bangladesh and Nepal. If that wasn’t enough, we do know that Samsung has continued to secretly test Tizen Smartphones in Russia and based on specifications this is a more appealing for that market than the lower powered Samsung Z1.
We will bring you more news as we get it. Follow: @TizenExperts

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