Hot off the press is the news that Samsung will be shortly announcing it that it has joined the Linux Foundation at the highest level, Platinum which gives it a seat on the Linux Foundation’s board. Previously Samsung was a silver member.
And how much does this privilege cost ? Well its a cool $500,000 !!!
Having just recently [in Q1 2012] beat out Nokia to become the world’s largest maker of mobile phones, this announcement also makes it clear how Samsung will now try to attack Apple’s position with both the Linux-based Android and Tizen platforms – a Linux Foundation spokesperson told Business Insider.
This move will certainly make people situp and take notice of Tizen which is also hosted by the Linux Foundation and which Samsung is heading along with Intel.
Samsung will now be the foundation’s seventh platinum member including IBM, Oracle, Intel, Fujitsu and Qualcomm.
Can Tizen be a real alternative to iOS and even the Linux based Android Operating System ? Being able to utilise Linux Foundations resources of the 800 companies and 8,000 developers will surely help springboard the OS.
Additional companies like HTC, Asus and Acer will also be looking at releasing their devices relatively quickly.
Tizen 1.0 SDK and Source Code has recently been released with v2.0 (codenamed Magnolia) scheduled for the tail end of this year, bringing with it Devices and also native application development.
For a look of Tizen in action, please have a look at this video.
Source Business Insider