Home Samsung to Launch First Tizen-Powered Phone in 3Q

Samsung to Launch First Tizen-Powered Phone in 3Q

Samsung Electronics Co. has quickly emerged as the largest smartphone maker thanks in part to its adoption of Google’s
Android software. But the company is now planning to launch its first smartphone based on new open-source software co-developed with Intel Corp.
In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Samsung mobile chief J.K. Shin said Samsung plans to release a Tizen-powered phone in the third quarter, raising questions about whether it is planning to move away from Google’s Android in the future.
Mr. Shin denied the move is related to a change in the company’s relationship with Google, which bought rival handset maker Motorola Mobility Holdings.
“We have a good relationship with Google,” said the executive, noting that Samsung wants to offer as many choices to consumers and clients when it comes to mobile operating software.
While the South Korean company predominantly uses Android in its smartphones and the move helped the company become the world’s biggest smartphone maker, it also sells devices based on Microsoft’sWindows and has also invested in Bada, a system developed internally. However, Bada has failed to generate consumer interest.
Mr. Shin said the new smartphone would be available in the third quarter of this year.
“It’s a somewhat risk mitigation plan. Android has huge market share but…there is more fragmentation and it’s growing but impossible to control,” said an executive at a mobile operating system startup, who declined to be named.
Google announced Wednesday Andy Rubin, leader of Android, is stepping aside.
This article is from Wsj

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