Home Samsung Gear POP – New fitness device on its way as it gets bluetooth certified

Samsung Gear POP – New fitness device on its way as it gets bluetooth certified

Some months ago, there were rumors claiming that Samsung was working on two new wearable devices. One was them is the Samsung Gear POP while the other was called the Gear Fit Pro. Both products are believed to run the Tizen OS and they were rumored to be unveiled at the Tizen Developer Conference (TDC) 2017, back in May. The TDC came and gone and nothing about these devices were heard and since then, everything went cold with respect to the anticipated Samsung Gear POP.
Now, Special Interest Group (SIG) just gave its certification to a Samsung device called “Samsung Gear POP”. The Bluetooth SIG has the Samsung Gear POP listed as a mobile device. As have been widely rumored, the product carries an SM-R600 model number and features Bluetooth v4.2. With this, speculations about this device have rejuvenated and Samsung sure has one less item that to worry about for this product before it is unveiled
Though SIG listed the Samsung Gear POP as a mobile device, it is widely believed that this product is more of a fitness tracker than a smartwatch. Thus we expect to see deployed sensors which will monitor heart rates, sleep rates, rest rates, oxygen level, body temperatures and other related fitness parameters on a daily basis.

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