The Samsung Galaxy Watch received its first firmware update within a week of it being released in the US. It was a tiny update focused on to improve the Samsung Health experience. While the first update was still being rolled-out in some countries a week ago, Samsung has now started pushing a second over-the-air (OTA) update for the Galaxy Watch. The new update promises improvements on usability and user experience along with enhanced music play and battery charging.
Update: This firmware update is now live and rolling out across Europe, including UK, Germany, Belguim, and Austria.
Galaxy Watch update
The latest firmware update for the Galaxy Watch weighs a mere 28.20 MB in size, but bumps up the OS version of the watch to Tizen The update comes with build numbers R800XXU1BRJ4 and R810XXU1BRJ4 for the 42 mm and 46 mm Galaxy Watch respectively.
The changelog includes:
- Improved usability and experience
- Improved reliability of Music Play
- Reliability of battery charging enhanced
Although the changelog doesn’t go into detail about exactly what these improvements are, enhanced reliability of battery charging is something that could have a bigger significance than the other two. Samsung has had some tough time with battery related issues in its smartwatches, especially the Gear S3. Even the new Galaxy Watch isn’t pleasing some users with its battery life, and Samsung would be desperate to fend-off any such potential issues in the future.
How to update?
While you should get a notification that an update is available, manually checking for updates isn’t any hectic either. Launch the Galaxy Wearable app on your paired smartphone and then head on to About watch -> Update watch software -> Update now.
Note that the update is currently available in the US only. However, it should make its way to other regions soon, we will keep you updated 🙂
Meanwhile, if you have received this update, let us know about your experience and state your country.