Samsung unveiled the Galaxy Watch in New York in August 9, and immediately started taking pre-orders for the watch. The company promised to release the watch on August 24 in the United States, and also confirmed that the watch would be widely available for purchase from its retail partners. While Samsung has already shipped the device for pre-order customers, the day has come for the general public as well. Starting today, customers in the United States can buy the Galaxy Watch from retailers like Amazon and Best Buy without having to place a pre-order. The watch can also be purchased through the Samsung online store.
Samsung Galaxy Watch now available to buy
Samsung unveiled the Galaxy Watch in New York, and naturally, released it first in the United States. Pre-order customers in the country have already received their units, and now, it’s available for everyone else.
The Galaxy Watch is available in two different sizes – 46mm and 42mm, which differ in screen size and battery capacity. The 46mm model features a 1.3-inch AMOLED display and 472mAh battery, whereas the 42mm model sports a 1.2-inch display and 270mAh battery. Everything else, specs and features, remains the same in the two models.
The bigger, 46mm model comes in Silver color, with a price tag of $349.99. The smaller, 42mm model costs $329.99 and is available in Midnight Black and Rose Gold color options.
Samsung has also launched a T-Mobile LTE-enabled Galaxy Watch in the US. Except for the RAM size, everything else remains the same in LTE version when compared to the non-LTE ones. The LTE version of Galaxy Watch has 1.5GB of RAM, opposed to 768MB in the non-LTE variant, and costs $399.99 for 46mm model and $379.99 for the 42mm one. LTE-enabled Galaxy Watch with other carriers will also be available in the near future.
Apart from the US, Samsung is also taking pre-orders for the Galaxy Watch in South Korea, UK, and a few other markets. While South Korea is slated to get the Watch on August 31, the rest of the world will need to wait a bit longer. Samsung has set the date of September 14 for the worldwide release of the watch. It now remains to be seen how many markets get the watch on that day.