Samsung Electronics has recently received the Best IT Platform award for the Tizen Operating System (OS) at the CNews AWARDS 2015, hosted by the CNews Forum with over 1,500 attendees. The award confirms Samsung’s commitment to developing a secure OS that fulfils many of the security needs of the Russian market. Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS Operating Systems are largely untrusted within the country and a Secure Open Source alternative was always going to be an attractive proposition.
Tizen is a web centric OS with support for the latest web standards (W3C\HTML5\CSS3), and will be used by Samsung as part of their Internet of Things (IoT) strategy. Application developers can code in confidence that their apps will be executed in a trusted environment, and can securely connect to other nodes through the OS.
“Development of the Tizen ecosystem in Russia is one of our top priorities. Russian business clients have already given positive feedback on strategic advantages of Tizen OS. Recognition by the CNews AWARDS 2015 further reinforces our support for a truly efficient tool that meets the needs of the Russian corporate market”, said Andrei Tikhonov, Corporate Sales Director at Samsung Electronics Russia.
Other features that make Tizen attractive is the integrated data security tools, encryption, low resource requirements in terms of processor / memory and battery consumption. Tizen has also achieved a Security Certification for Russian Government and Corporate use, which safe guards against confidentiality breaches or third-party access.