Red Hat today announced JBoss Enterprise Data Grid 6, which it calls “a cloud-ready, highly scalable distributed data cache.” Cameron Purdy defines a data grid as “a system composed of multiple servers that work together to manage information and related operations – such as computations – in a distributed environment.”
Like Apache Cassandra and Riak, Red Hat’s data grid is influenced by Amazon’s distributed data store Dynamo. The product will cache data in-memory and distribute among multiple servers, which will be useful for cloud computing.
The new product is based on the JBoss community project Infinispan.
According to the announcement, “JBoss Enterprise Data Grid is part of Red Hat’s vision to redefine middleware and provide a comprehensive, open source distributed service fabric to help developers and organizations build, deploy and manage applications in the cloud.”
Those interested can sign-up for early access to Data Grid here.
JBoss Enterprise Data Grid will compete with data grids such as Oracle Coherence.