The PPT Controller app was one of the best apps for Tizen smartwatches. Now, the app has made a comeback and has been released onto the Galaxy Watch 4 series. If you were to head to the Play Store on the Galaxy Watch 4 and search for the PPT Controller app, you would be able to install it.
If you do not know what the PPT controller is, it is essentially a tool that can control PowerPoint presentations using your smartwatch. The app is free to use, but it only runs with Bluetooth, which can limit its functionality by a small amount. One cool feature is that the Galaxy Watch 4 Classic can control the PowerPoint presentation using the rotational bezel – nice hey?
The apps functionality is limited when it comes to Windows PC’s. The main reason for that being that a lot of computers running Windows 10 don’t have Bluetooth connectivity. On the smartwatch, you can swipe to change the slide. Instead of staying near the computer to change slides, you can change the slides from anywhere in the room.