We have been mirroring a stable version of the Qt 4.7 documentation on the Qt Developer Network for a while. Our elves (read: Gurudutt, Pål, Thorbjørn, Bjørn and Jone together with Gunder, our designer, and Martin and Casper from the Qt doc team) spend a lot of time and effort on polishing and ironing out quirks. Now we are confident the features are ready for prime time.
Here on the Qt Developer Network, we release more or less every second week, independently from all the other stuff we release these days. This time however, it is a bit different. Today, Qt 4.8 was released, and with this latest Qt release the Qt 4.8 documentation is now officially hosted here at the Qt Developer Network.
What’s new then?
If you have used the documentation here before, it’s not a lot. We fixed some oddities and polished the looks. For all the people who stayed with the non-experimental version on doc.qt.nokia.com (you’re not using trolltech domains anymore, are you?) things will look slightly different.
The most important feature related to the documentation is certainly the ability to add notes to class references. They take anything related from tips and tricks to corrections to snippets explaining how to use this class. Every registered member with the rank of Ant Farmer and above can add notes, every registered member can rate them, and everyone on the interwebs can read them too, registered or not. And members with the rank of Hobby Entomologist and higher are able to moderate them if they end up in the moderation queue.
We also built in a bookmark feature (called Docmarks) that you can use for quick access to your favorite reference, provided you’re logged in. When writing on this site you can use this syntax for linking to latest doc: [ [ doc:widget ] ] Code snippets surrounded by @ will auto-link to classes used in the snippet.
But… but… but… What about my bookmarks?
No reason to worry; they will still be working. If you’re used to typing doc.qt.nokia.com/latest into your browser’s address bar, you will be redirected automatically. You can also try to change your habits and type developer.qt.nokia.com/doc/latest instead which will lead you to the same page. Try exchanging /latest with /stable, and voilà, works too. Same is true for /qt.
All is merry then?
Almost. We have some known issues that we hope to get the fixes into the next couple of releases, it shouldn’t take too long. The elves are hard at work.
- the performance in IE8 is not quite where we think it should be
- there are still some design issues with narrow screens
- anchors to methods etc. currently use an id value instead of a human readable name
- the doc front page will get an esthetic upgrade to make a better first impression
Chances are, you find more quirks. We have a dedicated project in JIRA (Web team) [bugreports.qt.nokia.com] for everything that is wrong with how we display the docs, and there is another one (Doc team) [bugreports.qt.nokia.com] for problems with the docs themselves.
Source QtExperts