Home Q4 Web Systems launches HTML5 Mobile Apps for Investor Relations

Q4 Web Systems launches HTML5 Mobile Apps for Investor Relations


Designed for today’s smart devices, like the popular iPad, the new app has been created using the latest mobile technology ‘HTML5’ and is fully integrated with Q4’s web and social media products. Using HTML5 the new app is available as both a web app (available through a web browser) and as a native app downloaded from the Apple or Android App Store.


“Our first generation apps, launched earlier this year were intended to provide an initial entry for public companies to begin communicating with their investors through mobile applications,” said Darrell Heaps, CEO of Q4 Web Systems. “Based on the success of these initial apps and working closely with our clients, we decided to move to HTML5 as the technology for our mobile platform. The beauty of HTML5 is that we are able to focus on one mobile experience that can easily be delivered across any mobile device and through App Stores or Browsers. No matter how the mobile market evolves, clients with apps deployed on this new platform are future proofed.”
Features and Benefits of the new Q4 HTML5 Apps:

  • Supports all types of smart devices (Apple, Android, Blackberry and Windows).
  • Available as a web app (accessed through a browser) or native app (downloaded from App stores).
  • Flexible layout and design (no templates!) that ensures the look and feel of the app is the same as the unique atmosphere you have created on your corporate website.
  • Natural user interface: tap, swipe, pinch and zoom through layers of content.
  • Complete set of Best Practice IR content (News, Quotes, Charts, Filings, Events, Webcasts, Presentations, Reports, etc).
  • Content is automatically updated or managed via the Q4 CMS, alleviating the need to push updates to the App store (currently a 1-2 week process).
  • Social Media integration: Twitter, YouTube, Vimeo, Flickr and SlideShare.
  • Regular upgrades and new features added to all clients on subscription – just like the Q4 Web product.

Q4 is dedicated to keeping its clients on the leading edge of where the web is going. Today’s investors are mobile and shouldn’t have to settle for an online experience that is inferior to the IR website – as is the case with most mobile apps being offered today. With Q4’s next generation HTML5 mobile app, investors can stay up to date wherever they are through a rich, interactive experience.

Source 21 Webir

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