Puppet Labs, the commercial sponsor of the open source server configuration framework Puppet, announced today that Adobe has agreed to publish their Puppet modules for managing Hadoop. The code will be freely available for download via the Puppet Forge.
Puppet is an open source data center automation and configuration management framework that provides system administrators with a platform that allows for consistent and flexible systems management.
Puppet takes care of the “heavy lifting” with managing Hadoop, says Christian Ivascu, a computer scientist at Adobe. Rather than manual configuration, Puppet “figures out what nodes need to be upgraded, pushes the new archives, changes configuration files and restarts services.”
“We’re pleased with Adobe’s commitment to the project and that they see the value of sharing their work with the rest of the Puppet community,” says Luke Kanies, founder and CEO of Puppet Labs and the creator of Puppet. As Kanies notes, the open source project means that companies can “share the solution with other companies,” saving development costs and sharing developer expertise.
Puppet is in use in multiple organizations and industries, including the New York Stock Exchange, Bank of America, and Google. Founded in 2005, Puppet Labs is based in Portland, Oregon.